#bw's partner

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"So Spider-Man, are there any romances heating up at the Avengers Compound?"

"Well, I don't know if I'm supposed to say." Peter scratched his neck sheepishly. The interviewer smiled in a way that made him slightly uncomfortable. "Well I mean, I guess-" He stopped himself before he could reveal any more.

He was done for. The interviewer smiled wolfishly. She had him now. Peter fidgeted in his seat, a cold sweat covering his face underneath the suit. His breath picked up and the interviewer waited, feigning concern. She was about to get a promotion.

"And which one do you ship the most?"

"Um, I guess I have to say Miss Roma- shoot wait, forget I said anything."

Pepper paused the video and set her tablet on the table. Peter gulped under the withering stares of Maria and Pepper.

"We need to work on your interview skills, Peter."

Pepper was calm, too calm for Peter's liking, and Maria's smile was anything but friendly.

"Your interrogation skills too. Can't have HYDRA torturing information out of you. We should practice."

"I'm so sorry Ms. Hill. I swear, I didn't mean to. Please don't hurt me." Peter managed to stutter out.

Maria merely sighed and sat down, burying her head in her hands.

"I'll take care of it, schedule a press release." Pepper placed a hand on her shoulder, and Peter had never felt more guilty.

"Let me talk to Nat first." Maria waved Pepper off as she stood. She walked out of the room, but not before turning another glare at Peter.

"I'm watching you, Parker."

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avengers stan @hulksm4shm3pls

I hope @blckwdw's boyfriend appreciates how lucky he is.

Natasha Romanoff @blckwdw

Replying to @hulksm4shm3pls

Bold of you to assume I'm dating a man.

sam (not wilson) @gay4women


Natasha Romanoff ✔ @blckwdw

Replying to @hulksm4shm3pls

Bold of you to assume I'm dating a man.

- - -

"Remind me why I love you again?" Maria glared, no real malice in her voice.

"Because I'm the best girlfriend ever?"

"You're an idiot."

"I'm your idiot."

Was her reply to some random Twitter account an impulsive decision? Yes. Had Maria approved? Kind of. Did Natasha have fucks to give?


"When I said you could run interference I didn't mean this, Nat." Maria ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm sorry, Mia." Nat was worried she'd overstepped.

"It's okay, Tasha. Just let our PR team know the next time you want to drop news like that via Twitter, alright?"

"You're the best." Nat moved to kiss Maria on the cheek.

"I know I am." Maria smirked before pulling Natasha into a real kiss.

To say the internet exploded was an understatement. Within five minutes, Nat's tweet was trending with over five thousand retweets. The news that not only was Black Widow dating, but allegedly not dating a man, had sent every news outlet – and seemingly every Avengers fan – into a frenzy.

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