Witness Protection Program

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January 19, 2018

"Listen up. A request for SWAT's expertise has been filed by the Witness Protection Program, and Beta Team has been fortunate enough to be selected for this honour." Fury said to the team gathered in the room.

The officers gathered in the briefing room groaned collectively.

"Officer Coulson, as team leader, you will be spearheading the operation. I expect you to come up with a protection detail plan that includes at least three members of your team to be with the witness at all times during the operation."

Coulson almost snorted. "What operation, sir? This is practically babysitting."

Fury took his time to stare at Coulson, as well as every single one of the officers gathered there. "That may be so, officers, but I still fully expect you to conduct yourselves as the SWAT officers that you are. The Witness Protection Program doesn't often request for SWAT assistance, so do your jobs, and do it well, officers."

Coulson sighed, but nodded. "You know we do, Fury. You know we always do. But damn if this assignment is as boring as it sounds..."

"Sir." Maria interjected for the first time and her fellow teammates all turned to look at her. "If you don't mind me asking, who did the witness piss off?" Maria asked.

Fury turned to Maria, a grin stretching across his face almost menacingly. "Excellent question from an excellent officer, Hill." He held the silence, the attention of each officer in the room, and then he let the pin drop. "We're guarding her against the Red Room."

The SWAT officers almost all sat at attention as one.

The mission brief had just begun.

- - -

January 22, 2018

The first time Maria Hill met the witness, one Natasha Romanoff, Maria was almost blown away by the witness's beauty, and of the startling epiphany of exactly how gay Maria was. Her entire team was there for Coulson's briefing of the witness, and all Maria could take note of was how red the witness's hair was and how her emerald eyes sparkled with untold wit and mischief.

Coulson did the introductions. He was Phil Coulson, team leader. Delilah Underhill, a brunette woman and Coulson's deputy. Clint Barton, the sniper of the team. Archie Caldwell, the newest addition and baby of team Beta. Maria Hill, the tactical expert. And finally, Steve Rogers, the muscle and resident gentlemen of the team.

"For the next two weeks, we will have an around-the-clock protective detail around you. Officer Underhill will be the officer to stay with you 24/7. She will be your escort at all times, and she will be required to sleep in the same room with you, just on standby in case anything happens at night. Accompanying her will be two other officers on duty. They will be constantly patrolling the apartment to ensure that nothing is out of the ordinary. We will all be taking shifts in pairs to ensure your safety. We are the only officers involved in this protective detail, so take a good look at these faces, because anyone else claiming to be part of the detail should be met with the utmost suspicion." Coulson continued.

"So what you're saying is that I'm essentially stuck within these four walls for the next two weeks, with only six people for company?" Romanoff asked.

"Yes. We understand that our constant presence in your personal space may be frustrating, but our purpose here is to keep you safe and able to testify at the hearing two Saturdays from now."

"And Officer Underhill here will be the one sleeping with me and standing outside the washroom when I'm doing my various businesses?"

"Yes." Coulson replied.

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