The Wailing Wendigo

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AN: Before we start!!! This is a Dimentio X Luigi one-shot, so leave now if you don't like Dimigi. :>

Secondly, the picture above is not mine, I just put it there as a reference to what a Wendigo looks like. It is explained in this what a Wendigo is, so don't worry if you don't know what it is beforehand.

Thirdly, there are mentions of blood, gore, death, and cannibalism. So, beware of that if you're sensitive.

Fourthly, I made a small song/nursery rhyme type thing (it's at the top) that gets sung at one part, don't judge! >.<"

Fifthly, this is one of the most random things ever, and I'm not really sorry-


The Mario brothers smiled as they walked into the town of Flipside, each of them holding a homemade food item. It had been over a year since everything went down with the Dark Prognosticus and stuff, so the memory was still rather fresh. The two brothers hardly talked about what happened, and most of the time they'd actively avoid the topic.

Mario was concerned for his brother when they accepted the invitation to come here. The man in red could only guess what horrible memories and trauma his brother still held onto behind his smile, but it was even harder to try and ask about it without being blatantly obvious. But it couldn't have been terrible, considering Luigi convinced Mario to go with him to a reunion with the others to check on everyone's wellbeing.

"I hope that they all like my Mushroom Stew," Luigi said to his brother, holding up a large pot with a lid over it.

"I'm sure they'll like it, bro. After all, you spent almost three hours making it," Mario replied.

Mario chuckled as his brother shrugged in response.

"At least I put a bit more time and effort than a few bags of chips," Luigi teased with an eye roll.

This time Mario shrugged, readjusting the four bags of chips piled in his arms.

"They asked for me to bring the snack foods, so that's what I got!" Mario stated.

"You look like you're going to drop them," Luigi laughed.

"I'm not! Don't worry about it!" Mario replied.

Luigi arched an eyebrow at his brother as he tottered, trying to keep the bags from sliding off of each other and falling to the ground. Lord Blumiere and Lady Timpani had invited them to come to a dinner party reunion with everyone. Well, it was more of an apology to the Mario brothers for everything that happened. Peach and Bowser had also been invited, but Peach was busy running her kingdom, and Bowser was probably just not coming.

"Anyways, where were we going to meet up with them before dinner?" Luigi asked.

It was only about 5-ish in the afternoon, but also wintertime, so the sun was already setting. Thankfully, Flipside and Flopside weren't cold enough in the wintertime to get snow, so the Mario brothers didn't have to wear their coats. But they still carried them along in a bag, just in case the temperature dropped enough when the sun went down.

"Um, I think they said to meet up around the elevator to Flopside?" Mario offered.

Luigi nodded to his brother with a smile.

"Alright! Let's go!" Luigi cheered.

The man in green took off at a jog, leaving his brother to deal with his stack of chips. Mario tried to run, but his snacks threatened to fall as soon as he did.

"Luigi!!!!" Mario shouted.

Luigi ran back with a smirk, walking up beside his brother.

"Ready to just admit you're going to drop them?" Luigi teased.

The Wailing Wendigo (Dimigi Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now