𝕾𝖔𝖋𝖙 𝕺𝖈𝖙𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖚𝖘 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘 ...:::**•°✾°•**::::...

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- When you and Octavius ​​first met, he was a bit harsh talking to a human. In his several Millennia of living he'd never met such a beautiful human being such as you. Except for someone he met long ago...

- He absolutely hates making you upset, but he can't help it since he's a ticking time bomb most of the time.

- Any friend of yours that you bring over will be under strict watch by Octavius ​​himself or one of his servants.

- He spends his working days in his office, going over files of the many different races and updates of whatever might have happened in any of their domains.

- After a long day of hunting and stress from work, all he really needs is a cup of coffee and soft cuddles.

- He is literally a living, breathing, walking heater.

- Lots of kissies:>

- He loves waking up next to you and seeing your sleepy face staring back at him. It makes him happy.

- If you're feeling sad or stressed, he'll bring you a cup of hot cocoa and take to to Alfheim Forest to lay in the grass for a while.

- If you have a child, he while most likely be both the fun parent and the disciplinarian.

- Every time you, Octavius, and your child go out somewhere like to the park or mall, he will make sure both of you have to best time ever.

- He's got rich people problems so if he sees something he knows you like that's really expensive[like 10 grand expensive], he will get it for you and barely care about the price. Even if you yell at him for spending so recklessly.

- He'll ask for your blood sometimes if there's no food around the forest where the Manor is or if he's lazy, but he would never bite as deeply as he usually would. He doesn't want to lose you. And he won' t. He  can't.

- He hates arguing with you, but sometimes he can't help it. Once, the fight got so bad you'd stormed out of the Manor and back to your own house. For days you stayed there, back under the care of your very loving parents. When you came back, Octavius wasn't home. You check his office, but it was completely trashed. While you were gone, he'd gone into a 'red-eye' rage and started angrily destroying the room. When you found him, he was sitting in a tree in Alfheim Forest, silently crying to himself. When he noticed you, he thought you'd just showed up to scold him some more. Instead, when you finally got him to come down, you kissed him and he fell into your arms. Ever since then he thought if you fought you leave, so any chance he saw he would take to grab your arm. He's lonely without you. He hates being alone. It scares him. More than it used to.

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