1. Panicking

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Hailey's POV


I could hear Zander calling my name and footsteps coming my way. But I was NOT in the mood to talk with the Music Club right now. I just...needed some time ALONE! Didn't they get that? I didn't want pity. I wanted space. 

So before Zander, Luke, Milly or Sean could reach me, I stood up and ran for the nearest bathroom. I knew that Milly could come in, but maybe, just maybe she would realize I needed alone time and leave me to be. And I could use some tissues right now.

I slammed the door to the girl's bathroom and locked myself in the nearest stall, hoping it was a clean one. Thankfully, it was. I grabbed some toilet paper, wiped all the tears coming from my eyes and tried to calm down.

"Hailey, I know you're in there. We want to talk to you." Milly said, knocking on the door of my stall.

I remained silent as I tried to stop crying.

"Hailey," Milly sighed, "Jake's just a jerk. Don't let him do this to you..."

Upon hearing his name, new tears started rushing down my cheeks and everything started to blur. There was a thunk and I couldn't see anything. It all just went...black.


I woke up in a bed. A soft, comfortable bed. Maybe it all was a dream? Maybe that jerk hadn't betrayed us all. Heck, maybe he hadn't even joined the Music Club. 

I wish.

"Hailey, you woke up! Oh god, I'm so glad."

Luke's voice made me look around. On my left side, Milly and Sean had fallen asleep, leaning on each other. On my right, Luke was sitting on a chair, with Zander sleeping on his lap, drooling a little. He wasn't here - which could only mean one thing.

"Oh...hey Luke. What happened?" I asked, sighing in disappointment. 

"Well- you kind of banged your head on the toilet and passed out. I think you were having a panic attack?" Luke explained, "We were all worried about you, but I guess all that worrying made the others tired. Your parents and Bethany are outside, I think they fell asleep on the couch."

"Oh." I said, taking in all the information. 

I could feel the bandages on my head. I probably had, at the most, a concussion.

It wasn't much like Zander to fall asleep in a situation like this- unless it was very late. But if it was late, how was Luke still awake? Maybe...no, that was last year, for heaven's sake. Maybe they're taking turns staying awake? Or maybe...everyone doesn't care that much about me.

I could imagine that.

Luke seemed to have seen the depressed look on my face because he put a hand on the bed.

"Hey, Hailey. Whatever stupid thing you're thinking...it's not true. We care for you, okay?"

It was as if he'd read my mind.

"I...thank you, Luke. I really appreciate it."

There was an awkward silence followed by that, and I took a gulp of water from the glass on the bedside table. I tried to look around to search for a clock, but the moment I moved my head it started aching.

I groaned and laid back again.

"Hey, Luke? What time is it?" I asked.

Luke glanced at the wall opposite of where my head was facing and hesitated before saying, "5:30 a.m."

I sighed. Of course.

Just last year, Luke had told me about his sleeping problems, and his fear of the dark. It wasn't that big of a fear, but it did sometimes give his flashbacks and whatnot. Of course, Zander didn't know. I'd tried to convince Luke, force him even, to tell Zander, but he'd always resist. I guess he didn't want Zander to worry.

"Luke, just try sleeping for once! It won't hurt." I pleaded him, for what seemed like the millionth time.

Luke just avoided my gaze and focused his gaze on the door.

"Anyway...Jake dropped by yesterday afternoon." the drummer of the Music Club said, his voice trembling when he said his name. "He looked like he wanted to say something, but I guess our glares made him go back again. Zander's explained the situation to Shannon and Micheal, and they understand everything. They did look like the 'kicking him out of the Club' part was a little too much, though."

My brain seemed like it was buffering. Maybe that was the results of hitting my head.

When the information finally all got in my head, I blinked a few times, and then just nodded. So, he had been here. I bet Milly hit him again. He deserves it, that idiot...

"I...I need some time alone, please. I can go outside the hospital, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, you got permission." Luke informed me.

I got out of the room I was assigned in, and saw Shannon, Bethany and dad sleeping on a couch next to the door.

I quietly tip-toed to the exit and inhaled deeply when I was out. Fresh air. I sank to the ground, leaning on the wall of the building. How did I get here?


Yes I absolutely LOVE cliffhangers as you can see UwU

This is my first ever fanfiction that I wrote so I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! I'll be active on Wattpad and keep on updating, and if you have any questions make sure to drop them here! Thank you for reading this crap, I know it's short TvT

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