3. Sobbing

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This chapter takes on some hinted murder and violence. You have been warned.

Jake's POV

I hesitated before putting my hand on the handle. I tried. I truly tried to gather the courage to open the door.

But I couldn't.

It was as if my hand was frozen. I couldn't get it to let go of the doorknob, either, though.

I had only one choice. I took a deep breath and went inside.

"Hi, mom."


A couple hours back

Luke's POV

"No, no, no, no!" Zander muttered. "She has to be okay!"

"Hailey will be alright, Zander. She's strong." I assured him.

"I hope so..." He said, leaning on me.

"Ugh! If only it hadn't been for that jerk!" Milly cried out, anger in her eyes.

"Calm down, Milly." Sean said quietly.

Minutes of silence passed as we stared at the door to room 201.


We all turned to find Hailey and Zander's family sprinting towards us.

Shannon hugged Zander tightly.

Bethany came and grabbed my hand. "Luke, where's big sister Hailey?"

Everyone glanced at her worriedly. Of course she didn't know, we couldn't just ruin her innocent mind.

"She's..." I had to think of something that could cover things up. "She's sleeping. Taking a nap."

"Oh. Then why can't I go see her?"

"You don't wanna ruin her beauty sleep, do ya?" I joked, forcing a smile on my face, which I was used to by now.

Bethany giggled.

"But seriously. What happened, you guys?" Micheal asked.

Zander looked at me, and seeing I'd covered his little sister's ears already, started explaining.

Bethy looked at me curiously, with such innocence. I smiled back at her. It was fake, of course. But that was how life worked for me. Smiling to cover up my face. Assuring people that I'm alright. Trying to protect the innocents of the world.

"-can't believe that he would talk such things behind our backs! Hell, we all trusted him and accepted him into the club. He probably had this all planned in the first place! Even the timing! Look, it's just a week away from the competition!"

"Zander, this explanation is turning more and more into some kind of vent." Milly said, rolling her eyes.

"Chill, man! We're all worried about Hailey and upset about Jake." Sean said.

"You guys are really going to let him just sound like an innocent idiot after all he's done to us? Luke, help me out here!" Zander cried, looking desperately at me.

"Zander, sweetie..." -that earned the "look" from Milly and Shannon- "I think Hailey would agree with Sean. You should...calm down. Blaming Jake won't help the...situation."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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