2. Alone

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Jake's POV

(Time: Right after the Music Club left Jake by himself in the Music Room)

How did this happen? I asked myself, even when the answer was obvious.

I had happened. I'd been stupid enough to listen to what my friends had to say. 

No, I'd been stupid. Period. Yeah, maybe I'd let them pressure me into saying all that crap, but I was the one who didn't choose a side. I thought I wouldn't need to choose a side. But I was wrong. And I had to pay the price.

I slowly stood up from my position on the floor and wiped my tears. I'd have to talk my friends, I guess. And I wasn't an idiot. I knew perfectly well why they did this to me. Because I hung out and spent more time with the 'music freaks'. But still. If they were my true friends, they would've accepted it and just enjoyed the time they had.

My confrontation might not be the best, and I might just make things worse, but I had to settle things and make everything normal again. I'd messed up, and I might as well make things right. 

When I was walking down the hallway, I saw Daisy. Daisy. She'd been my crush ever since I got in High School. I mean, who wouldn't like her with all her traits? But...seeing her right now, at my worst possible state, I didn't feel any butterflies in my stomach or anything. She'd also been a reason why I said all that, so maybe that was why?

Whatever it was, the best choice was to avoid Daisy, I guess.

I was just about to start looking when I spotted Drew and the rest of the gang. Hit the jackpot, I guess. Liam grinned when he saw me, and then waved me over.

"Hey, Jake!"

I braced myself and walked towards the people that were soon to become my ex-friends.

I didn't talk, because I was afraid I'd just start blurting stupid things out and make things worse. But at some point, I'd probably have to talk.

"Hey, what's with the long face?" Henry asked, "Did Daisy ignore you or something?"

I just stood there, glaring at him. Did he really think I was that shallow?

Drew rolled his eyes at Henry and looked at me again. "Really, what's up with you?"

I turned to face him. How could he just stand there, looking at me like nothing was wrong, when he knew what had happened?

Seriously, he was starting to get on my nerves.


I reached into my pocket and took a phone out of it. It was Hailey's phone that she'd left on the table.

I turned the phone on, and unlocked it, for I had peeked over her shoulder and found out her password weeks ago.

I pressed at the 'play' button, and there it was.

"Heck, Hailey can't even sing without me because of her stupid stage fright! And they probably wouldn't stand a chance without me! They should be grateful I joined them in the first place! They should've known from the moment I joined that I wouldn't be a music freak."

Drew looked confused at first, then his eyes widened when he heard the recording.

"What...the heck?"

"You did this, didn't you?" I said, my eyes starting to fill with new tears.

Before Drew had the chance to answer, I slapped him in the face and ran away. Away from those toxic people, away from the cause of this nightmare, and towards nothing.


I didn't go home after school. I wanted to be alone for a while, and my little brother wouldn't care much, since he'd be busy watching TV. Dad would be at work right now, and mom...well, I don't need to worry about her.

I was just hanging out in front of the school when two students passed by, talking about something. I didn't really pay attention, until I heard a sentence that made me freeze from my pacing.

"Hey, did you hear? Hailey's in the hospital right now. My friend saw the whole scene and everything, and she says Hailey looked bad. She hit her head in the toilet, from what I've gathered."

The girl beside the one who spoke gasped. "Seriously? You mean Hailey as in a member of the Music Club, right? Hailey Austin?"

"Yeah, her. The ones that saw her said that she looked like she'd been crying. I wonder what happened."

Hailey...was at the hospital!? I had to go see if she was okay! I didn't care if the other members of the music club tried to stop me, but it could be my fault that she was in the hospital.

But on the other hand, seeing me might make things worse for her.

I was torn between those two decisions, weighing the possibilities of the things that could go wrong. In the end, I couldn't help but be selfish.

"Hailey Austin, please." I said to the lady at the counter.

"Room 201."

I walked to the room, and hesitated for a minute before opening the door.

As expected, there were the Music Club, surrounding the bed that Hailey was laying on. She looked fine, at least, from what I could see. There were just a couple of bandages wrapped around her head, but nothing major.

"You! What are you doing here?" Zander exclaimed as soon as he saw me.


Before I could even explain myself, Milly came forward and cracked her knuckles.

"I'm not afraid to punch you again. How's that cheek doing?"

I stepped back. It didn't look like I was welcome here, not one bit.

The other two, Sean and Luke, didn't say anything, but they looked tense. Luke was glaring at me. I remembered his words from the time I got into the Music Club.

"I'll warn you now... if you ever hurt Zander, then you'll be dealing with me after."

It gave me the chills to just think about that.

But I hadn't hurt Zander, really, I'd hurt Hailey! Though I guess Zander's pretty protective and this could've damaged him, too. And the other members of the club.

"Get lost!" Milly yelled, snapping me back to reality.

I could've apologized, at the very least. I could've made up for it. But I was too much of a coward to say anything at all. And all I could do was walk out of room 201, with nothing but the words of Zander and Milly and Luke's glare on my mind.

The purpose of coming to this hospital in the first place...it wasn't clear. Why did I come here?

It was a waste of time, I guess. I couldn't even apologize. But since I'd come here...I might as well visit...

"No, you dumbass, she's...it's not worth it." I muttered to myself.

A nurse that was passing by stared at me weirdly.

Yet I found myself in front of room 162.

And I couldn't have felt more alone.

Yesssss more juffering MUAHAHAHAHA

And no- this isn't canon. It's just made-up and the characters and TMF belong to our dear mother Rosy. I'm so proud LOL idk why-

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! TYSM FOR READING!!!

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