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"I LOVE YOU TOO." Selena whispered with the biggest sincerity in her heart as she held her lover's small journal in her hand. Throughout the time she read the journal, tears wouldn't stop falling from her eyes. Her hands kept shaking as she flipped each page - reading the words that written in it during their years of dating in highschool and college.

To think that their relationship had lasted 5 years now. She once thought it was impossible for them to ever end up together. I mean, who would've thought? To know that her partner adored her even earlier than she did.

When reality had slapped her in the face that she's actually crushing on one of the popular girls in their school, she never thought she'd ever end up together with Lucy Young.

But that's she was wrong. So incredibly wrong. Love will always find a way — as cheesy as it sounds. The two lovers were pretty much soulmates through and through. Anyone who'd think otherwise would just be complete idiots.

The moment her girlfriend had confessed their feelings to her - was the best thing that ever happened to her. She should've known earlier. Now that she thinks about it, all the signs were fairly obvious. But she was too oblivious to have even noticed that there was love blooming in the heart of her girlfriend.

Selena pursed her lips, reading the three words and eight letters that was written on the journal over and over again. For she knows this will be the only way she could ever hear- or rather read her lover saying this phrase to her again.

Selena Hill will forever be Lucy Young's first love.

Selena Hill will forever be Lucy Young's first love

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Three Words, Eight LettersWhere stories live. Discover now