Chapter Eight: Be a New Man

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"No, the notes go as follows," Elegant and graceful hands press down on the keys, playing the familiar melody again. I sigh, not sure what I did wrong this time. The piano creaks, old with age and the man winces.

"The piano seems to be slightly out of tune," he says, as quiet as ever. Huh, I didn't know that. My hearing isn't the best, so I'm not that surprised.

"I'm don't play piano much, so I wouldn't know," I say, and the man stills. The inn is as empty as ever, and we're the only people in here again.

"I see. Well, it's never too late to learn." His almost-white eyes pierce mine, and I smile nervously. Despite being a quiet man, he has a very intimidating presence.

Or maybe the whole intimidating feeling comes from his clean and shiny appearance.

I try again, this time getting it right. I feel a sense of achievement, and the man beside me smiles.

I don't know his name, nor why he's here(surely, he can afford something nicer-?), but he has been a consistent presence in the main room of the inn. After the third day of having nothing to do, I had decided to try playing the old piano. Turns out, he happens to be a lover of music.

"Though, I admit, my preferred instrument would be the violin," he said when he sat down, "I do happen to play a bit of piano."

We had kept company for each other for three days, this one being the fourth. The man seems very closed off, only telling me what's necessary, and he always talked in a very posh way- I don't really know how to describe it.

So while Alexander locked himself away, writing to God knows who, the man kept me company. But today's the last evening I'm here, which is a bit sad to me, but oh well.

"I'm going to New York tomorrow," I say after a while. "Have you been there before?"

"Oh, definitely. My job's in New York, you see."

"It is? Then why are you here?"

"Relatives," he answers swiftly, and we're back to silence again. It's calm, and I thank the stars above that I don't have to deal with the innkeeper today. Usually the sight of the light-eyed man fends him off.

It gets dark soon, and Alexander emerges from his cave. With his hair and clothes in complete disarray, he rubs his eyes tiredly. I have a feeling that when I'll retreat to our room, I'll have thoroughly comb through his locks, just so that he could look decent tomorrow. Though, to my amusement, he freezes and straightens up when he notices who's sitting next to me.

"Sir," he nods at the man. "Apologies for interrupting, but Solomon, we need to ready ourselves for tomorrow."

I sigh, knowing that he's correct. Standing up and brushing my trousers- breeches is what people call them- I smile one last time at the man. "Well, I guess this is goodbye... sir." I add at the end, trying to mimic Alexander's behaviour. He nods at me.

"'Twas a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."


I know Alexander wants to say something. I just know it- from the way he's tense, and biting his lip, or how his knuckles are white from gripping his belongings.

"What's up?"

Alexander looks up, and I curse at myself. "...The sky, I believe."

"Sorry, it's a... figure of speech. I wanted. to ask what bothers you." For someone who has lived here for a while, I'm surprised on how I still use New English slang. Maybe it's because I don't interact with many people, other than my cold-eyed friend.

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