That Fateful Night

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A howl came from the mountains of the snowy kingdom

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A howl came from the mountains of the snowy kingdom. The cookies of the Milk Tribe huddled around a warm fire, cooking up warm milk to ward away the cold.

"What's that noise!" The young milk cookies cried.

"Never fear, it's just the wild beasts going home to their nests," Said Aged Milk Cookie.

"But they seem so close..." Goat's Milk Cookie murmured.

"Don't worry," Milk Cookie walked out of his tent, "I'm sure if the wild beasts were a problem, the watchers would be taking care of them by now."

"You're right!"A young milk cookie cried. Milk Cookie smiled.

Milk Cookie, or Milk for short, smiled at the small cookies of his tribe.

Everything was peaceful, just like the many nights before this night. The moon was high and golden across the snowy landscape, making the snow glow even in the dead of night.

Suddenly, a roar erupted from the trees and a wild beast shot out from the bushes of wild berries, shooting berry juice onto the helpless milk cookies and scaring some of them still.

"Eek!" The children scattered.

"I-It's a...a...wild-wild beast?!" Goat's Milk cookie screamed.

"Get the shields!" Milk yelled.

Suddenly, again, Milk saw a light figure dart from the wood. His hair flowed like the cleanest river on all of Earthbread, his dough as dark as the cacao seeds that grew from the overhanging branches.

"Hiyah!" The mysterious cookie lashed at the wild beast with a magnificent sword, one that looked worthy for a king to wield in a Great War.

'He must be a swordsman from the citadel!' Milk realized.

The beast stumbled back then turned to the closest cookie—Aged Milk Cookie. It leapt and was almost about to eat the old cookie before Milk jumped in with with one of the shields.

Crack. Crack.

He struggled to keep the shield in tact.

'Stupid wood...' Milk cursed himself for not being prepared enough...not being able to protect his friends...his family...his home...his-

"Look out!" The swordsman swung at the beast's horrible face. Milk pushed Aged Milk cookie to safety before running back out.

"Hide, cookie!" The swordsman shouted.

"You can't possibly beat a monster of that size on your own!" Milk cried.

The swordsman smirked. "Watch me."


The milk cookies slowly peered out as the swordsman chased the beast back into the forest before running back to the Milk tribe.

"Is everyone alright?" He asked the cookies, all hiding and whimpering.

After a while, Milk came out, "Yes, yes we are."

Parents ran to their children, wiping away the berry juice. The youth helped the elders up, after they had fallen and hadn't been able to get up again.

Milk walked up to the swordsman to get a better look at his features.

This cookie had dark dough, like that of a cacao seed. His hair was black with a streak of white going down the left side of his hair.

The cookie smiled with his deep berry eyes, "Are you ok?"

"Who are you?" Milk asked.

"My name? It's-"

"How did you get so good at swords?!" One of the young cookies asked.

"Sit, Mr. Swordsman, you must be exhausted." Goat's Milk Cookie led the swordsman to a spare stool.

"Ah, thank you." The swordsman said as Aged Milk cookie gave him warm milk.

"Tell us how you got so strong!" The young children cried.

"Alright, alright," The swordsman chuckled, "I'll tell you."

The young cookies all gathered around, scooting and readjusting their positions, ready for an epic story.

The swordsman smiled kindly and said, "It all started when I was four."

"Like me!" One of the youngsters cheered.

"Shhh, be quiet! I wanna listen!" Another hissed.

"As I was saying," The swordsman continued, "I started my training when I was four, with my trusty wooden sword."

"Could you even do any damage with a wood sword?"

"No, but if I can't hurt anybody, that also means I can't hurt myself. That's the perks of having a wooden sword."

The young cookies all scooted closer.

"I kept training with my wooden sword until I was seven, when my father presented me with my very own steel sword."

"With this sword, I could finally be permitted to go outside the cita-I mean, village. But, I often visit my father."

"How did you get that sword?" The child pointed to his sword, which was decorated with gems and strong metal.

"I earned it." The swordsman said, as he finished his milk, "Oh, is it that time already?"

The swordsman, smiling, stood up and started walking away, "Stay safe, cookies of the Milk Tribe!"

"Bye bye, Mr. Swordsman!"

"Have safe travels!"

"Wait!" Milk ran to the swordsman, "What's your name?"

"It's Dark Choco Cookie," The swordsman smiled a kind smile, only the Nobelist of cookies could ever muster.

Milk felt his cheeks begin to burn. What was this sensation?

The swordsman—no, Dark Choco Cookie—walked away, his cape blowing in the morning breeze.

'I'll be just like him...' Milk found himself thinking, 'I'll bring hope to Earthbread like he has for us!'

' Milk found himself thinking, 'I'll bring hope to Earthbread like he has for us!'

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"And that's how me and Dark Choco Cookie met..."


"Shut up!" Maula Sauce cried, "I've never heard it!"

"I'd love to meet Dark Choco Cookie!" Said Dino-Sour.

"I'm going to BEAT HIM UP next time I see him!" Purple Yam yelled.

"No! He's our friend!" Milk cried, "Just because he's better than you doesn't mean you have to hate him!"


"You've got him worked up now, Milk!"

"He'll calm down! Hehe!"

"Does he ever...?"

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