Crumble Valley

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"Wake up! Wake up!" Milk heard Maula Sauce's yells from outside; she was banging some pots together

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"Wake up! Wake up!" Milk heard Maula Sauce's yells from outside; she was banging some pots together.

"WHAT IS ALL THAT NOISE?!" Purple Yam shouted.

"What time is it?!" Groaned Dino-Sour.

Maula huffed, "We all planned to meet Pitaya Dragon, right? Well, we better go now if we wanna beat the heat and get info on Dark Choco faster!"

"What do you mean 'beat the heat'? It's always hot!" Purple Yam complained.

"Stop complaining and get a move on!" Maula said, walking with her chain and ball twirling in the air.

"So, will we come back here-?" Milk asked.

"Yeah," Maula said, "We'll get our stuff then move on to wherever Pitaya Dragon points for us!"

"YEAH! I'LL FIND DARK CHOCO AND BEAT HIM ONE AND FOR ALL!" Purple Yam cheered as he raced after Maula.

"Dark Choco is our friend!" Milk cried, running after the others.

"Wait for me-!" Dino-Sour called after them.

The trek to this supposed "Dragonfruit castle" was a long one. It was especially difficult for Milk, who worried for his friend's safety in these volcanic and stormy lands.

Maula, on the other hand, seemed perfectly fine.

"What is UP WITH YOU?!" Purple Yam yelled at Maula.

"What?" She asked, "Can't stand a little heat?"

"This is more than 'a little' heat!" He snapped.

"Oh, so you're weak against a little fire, huh? I thought you were the best fighter!"


"Calm down, you two!" Milk said, "It's the the heat getting to you, Purple Yam!"

"Is it, though?" Dino-Sour asked doubtfully.

Purple Yam grumbled but stayed quiet for the rest of the hike, sending death glares to any fire that got too close.


"Are we almost there yet?" Milk asked, panting under the blazing heat, that was almost as insufferable as the oven.

"Yep!" Maula stopped and turned to her companions, "Welcome to the Crumble Valley, the deadliest valley in all of Earthbread!"

"Hah!" Purple Yam scoffed. "Watch it beat me!"

"We just have to go through this, and we're practically at the Dragonfruit Castle!"

"Well? What are we waiting for!" Milk said excitedly, "Let's get a move on!"

The others agreed and made their way through the valley.

"Ouch! Owie!" Dino-Sour hopped from one door to another, "The ground's so hot!"

"The Crumble Valley for you," Maula said, "If you're not careful, you'll turn to crumbs!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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