Welcome to the Villain's World {Part 3}

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"Many millennia ago, Twisted Wonderland was a barren land. From the north to south, east to west, there was nothing. Little to no food and water, the winds were harsh, and they couldn't even see the Sun. But despite that, they still tried to survive as they were fighters.

But one day, it all changed. One day, a large tree sprouted from the ground with beautiful purple flowers that will come to be known as "Wisteria" and become our sacred flower. The second it grew, life and magic flowed through the land. The sky cleared revealing the Sun and the people could finally see light for the first time. They rejoiced.

A couple walked up to the sacred tree and laying in front of the tree, was a beautiful young girl with fox ears and nine tails. They took her in and took care of her. When she awoke, she told them her name: Haru, an envoy from the heavens that was sent down to save this world.

Despite being young, the youngest envoy of the heavens actually. She was very wise and helped to build civilizations, created languages, taught agriculture, everything. She eventually adopted the couple's last name: Wisteria, as her own and thus named the flowers of the tree "wisteria", in honor of her adoptive parents.

The people worshipped her and made her their queen, building a magnificent castle atop the mountain where her tree sprouted as tribute to her. She however, had a request. For them to build a second, smaller home for her parents to live in with the tree in the backyard. They didn't dare to disappoint their savior, so they did as she told.

Eventually, she made friends with nine very unique people with powerful elemental magic. Using her own, she made them kitsune like her so they could be immortal. They became her retainers and remained loyal to her for the rest of their lives. They each represented an ideal bestowed on them by her majesty: Passion, Loyalty, Hope, Knowledge, Freedom, Justice, Love, Eternity, and Protection.

It is also said that she had an admirer: King Solis, the newly appointed king of the Phoenixes, the species born from magic and fire. A species on the same level as dragons. Queen Haru and King Solis were good friends, but their retainers have stated that the look in King Solis' eyes when he looked at her Majesty was filled with love and admiration. However, he never acted on his feelings due to the fear of losing what they had.

One day, disaster struck. The magic started going unstable, and so the queen made the difficult decision to sacrifice her life and embed her soul into the wisteria tree to keep the magic stable. After that day, she vanished and so did her retainers, but her deeds for this land will never be forgotten. King Solis tried to rule this in her stead, but ultimately couldn't find it in his heart to continue and took his own life. The End." Crowley concluded the story. (Y/n) was deep in thought. The story felt vaguely familiar to her, but where had she heard it before? And why did she feel that it was incorrect? Moreover, wherever she heard it from there was never mentions of phoenixes. 

"Fufufu~ because it is, Hime-Sama~." said a voice next to her which made everyone jump in surprise "You- you are Lady Kazane Hirano! The Freedom Personification and her majesty's youngest retainer!" Crowley exclaimed in shock. Kazane nodded her head happily as she floated in midair "That's right! I must say, your storytelling is quite compelling, but it is not the full truth~. Though, the thing about Solis is 100% true. Poor guy, always friendzoned." Kazane said. "So where in the In-Between were you guys? I tried calling Kaito and Ai but they refused to come help, and no one was in the Realm of Wisteria." (Y/n) asked "Well I'm sorry, you just freshly had a near death experience! It took a lot out of us to keep you alive you know!" Kazane huffed.

"Kaito and Ai... does she mean Kaito Masanori and Ai Yukihana? The personifications of Justice and Love? Also what did you mean when you said "it's not the full truth", Hirano-Sama?" Crowley asked.

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