Chapter 12

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Beth's P.O.V

im not going to lie, i was shitting myself waiting for my interview, Niall wasn't with me so i had no way of fully calming down. As i walked in the smell of coffee ran through my nose, i loved the smell it instantly calmed me. i saw a lady sitting in one of the booths waiting for me, as i made my way there she looked up and smiled, in return i smiled back. she seemed really nice.

After 20 minutes the interview was over and i was able to leave, we said our goodbyes and i made my way out walking back home. i took the walk home as time to reflect on what's happened in my life. so much drama, heart break and loss but also happy moments. I've met Niall and the rest of 1D, ive lost my mum and my best friend, well i though she was, but turned out to be a freaking crazy person. i 'm surprised i haven't turned crazy myself.

I unlocked the door and of course Niall was playing FIFA, i never could get him to stop playing that damn game haha, i took this as an opportunity to scare the shit out of him. "HONEY IM HOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed, "WHAT THE FUCK!" he screamed back. that was all it took for me to be on the floor rolling around laughing like a retarded seal, i couldn't stop laughing and crying he look on the poor boys face was just too good. "hahah....hahaha... sorry babe hahaha" i tried to speak. "ha.ha.ha very funny little miss. how was your interview?" he asked. after i calmed down from my laughing attack i told him how well it went and that she'd call me back within a week if i got the job.

"Lou and El are coming over soon is that okay? they want to talk to us about something important." Niall asked. "Yeah that should be fine, just along as you're cooking haha." i replied. "okay" "okay" half an hour later there was a knock at the door, it was Eleanor and Louis, they didn't look very happy... It was more so sad if anything. "hey guys, whats wrong?" i asked. "Beth, can we please go up to your room and talk?" El said. "yeah sure"

"so Louis and i have decided to break up..." she cried. i sat there in absolute shock, i had no idea how to react.. "that's horrible.. why?" i hugged her. "it's too much stress, we're falling apart and loosing connection" she frowned. "oh El, things will get better i promise! do you want to stay here until you find a place?"
"if thats okay with you?" she replied. "yeah, Niall and i are happy to have you here anytime. i'm sorry this happened" "it's okay Beth, people break up all the time." i was so dumbfounded... Niall called us down and said dinner was ready. "you ready to go downstairs?" i asked. "yeah.."

dinner was so awkward, the tension in the air was thick, i almost couldn't breathe. i look at Louis and he looked so sad and broken, i then looked at Eleanor and she looked just as sad and broken.... i don't know how we're going to get through this....

Forever Together (sequel to you're my everything) a Niall Horan fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now