Chapter 7

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Bethany's p.o.v

"finally! we landed!!" i said joyfully. everyone laughed at me and shook  their heads getting their bags and stuff before being greeted by hundreds of fans. they were all screaming and shouting asking for pictures with the boys. i let go of Niall's hand and let him have pictures to please his fans. "is that your girlfriend?" one fan asked. "yes" Niall said carefully. "oh, wow! she's gorgeous" she said. that made me smile. "whats her name?" the fan asked. "that's Bethany " he smiled. "could i possibly have a picture with her?" she sweetly asked. "sure i will ask her." "hey babe! a fan asked if she could have a picture with you" "okay im coming" i replied. " hey Bethany, you're very pretty." she said. "awh thank you!" i said. 

"so i hear you want a picture with me?" i asked "yeah if its not to much to ask." she said. "of course you can" we posed for the picture and i smiled at her. other fans asked to take pictures with me too which i didn't get. lets just say i was really confused haha. we made our way to the car that was waiting outside for us. 

Niall's p.o.v

"finally! we landed!!" Beth said. we all laughed and shook our heads, god my girl is weird haha, but yet again all of us are. after getting our bags we made our way to our fans and took some pictures with them. the amount of time and effort our fans put into meeting us is incredible. some even asked Beth to take pictures with them its amazing how well the fans are treating her. i smiled, we got into the car and made our way to the hotel we were staying at. we were all really tired from the long flight so we all had a quick dinner and went to bed thank god, i didn't know how much longer i would be able to last. 

Beth and i got into bed, she cuddled into me and i wrapped my arms around her. this feeling is amazing, i love it. it wasn't long before i was completely out of it and darkness consumed me. 

Forever Together (sequel to you're my everything) a Niall Horan fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now