Nightmare and Blame

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Welp. I guess I'm back to reality. Too bad. That was fun. Plus, hanging out with Ash was way better than I expected.... We should do it again.

"Aiden! Are you alive?!" Tyler called out. Uhh..wierd question, "Yeah." I answered back. Tyler and Ben came into view and Ben hit Tyler on the head with his notebook.  "What the hell?! I was just asking if he was alive!" Tyler yelled.

Logan walked in, " I-I don't think y-you should a-ask people that." Tyler snapped his head to Logan, " You got a problem with that?  Then do something instead of fucking whining." 

The room became silent. Then someone started knocking. "I'll get it." I rushed. It's too early for this.


Taylor and I rushed to the boy's room and knocked. We needed to make sure it wasn't a dream. Aiden opened the door, " Ashlyn?" I widened my eyes, " Aiden!" I said relived. Taylor looked at me, "Um.. Where is Tyler?" I looked away shyly realizing I just made a fool of myself. 

"Lets go in...Aiden you don't mind right?" I asked- for formalities but he had no choice really. "Yeah everyone's here." 

Taylor and I walked in and Tyler widened his eyes and practically jumped on Taylor, " Oh god. you're safe." Tyler sighed.

After the momentary relaxation he snapped his head away from her, " What the hell was that. I'm sure it wasn't a dream. Why the fuck were we in there?" 

Logan joined in, " It doesn't make sense. We were in our rooms and then Phantoms started chasing us. One grabbed Tyler and scratched him but when we checked earlier it wasn't there but Tyler claims he still feels it." 

"CLAIMS? You think i'm lying?" Tyler bursted out angrily. 

"Shut up short fuse this isn't important. We need to figure out what's happening." I said

"Don't tell me what to do redhead. Shut up." Tyler said

I turned my attention away from the hot head and looked at everyone else, " The phantoms from the world were the same as in the house. We can only assume it's connected somehow. What do you guys think?" I said

Taylor spoke up, " But when we were there we said it was a prank. It was closest to you and it looked like it touched you but you didn't say anything. So it couldn't be real..right?"

"It...did touch me. I just didn't tell you guys." I said


"Relax. We all thought it was a prank and even if she did tell us- knowing you, you would just yell at her to stop trying to prank you." Aiden defended me

Tyler tsked and turned his head, " It still would have been nice to know." 

" So what do we do?" Taylor asked. 

" For now we should go to bed. This isn't the best time to question things. We go back home in a couple of hours and it would be bad if they found us all here." Logan said. 

"True. We can talk later. Taylor and I will see you later." I said. With that Taylor and I left and went back to the room. 

" I bet you have hundreds of questions spiraling in you're head to but it's better if we ask after we get some sleep atleast. Even an hour is better than nothing." I told Taylor before she would ask anything and we both headed to sleep.


After the girls left Tyler threw a tantrum. Ashlyn this and Ashlyn that. 

" If you don't shut up we are all going to assume it's because you secretly love her. Plus be happy because of her we had the thrill of our lives."  I said. 

Tyler got angrier, somehow, and started yelling more, ' Shut up you psychotic maniac. No one else but you enjoys staring death in the face." 

Whatever. I thought it was fun... Maybe Ashlyn did too!" She seemed happy to see me. Shame no one else appreciates my taste for thrill. I walked away from Tyler and his angry rambling and laid on the couch. I started closing my eyes but a knock echoed in the room. Ashyln?

"Hello? Is everyone okay in there? Please refrain from being loud. It's too early to make this much noise."  said what could only be assumed is a teacher.

" O-okay sorry for bothering you." replied Logan. 

Tyler tsked again but finally shut up. We stayed quiet for the remainder of the time before we faded to sleep.

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We made it home with a little anger and confusion but everyone stayed quiet. No one knew what to say.. I didn't even know how to look at them. I've never even made friends and now the world decides to trap me in an alternate world at 12am with kids I've never spoken to?  Cruel world. We split up after we returned and I went home thinking about everything. My parents were ecstatic to see me but I had no energy. I hugged them and went to my room. I'd talk to them on Monday. I collapsed on my bed and slept the day away.

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It was lunch and Tyler was yelling again, " I  STILL THINK YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD US IT TOUCHED YOU!" yelled Tyler. 

" Relax, I get you're tired and mad but not all of us run on rage. This has been happening everyday to us. We don't know how to stop it and we can't seem to get enough sleep either. Please calm down." Taylor said in attempt to calm Tyler. 

We have been teleported to the other world everyday since the trip and Tyler is at his breaking point. " Even though we are exhausted we should still do our best to do our everyday activities, including sports and clubs." I said. 

" WHAT? So that's the first thing you say? That we should still do our daily activities after we've experienced demons chasing us every night at 12am?" Tyler yelled, again.

"I get it. But if we stop doing them then we are basically throwing away our chance to have normal lives after this is over. It'll be hard to explain to people we're being chased by demons at 12am with no evidence to prove it."  I tried to rationalize. 

"Yeah bu-" Tyler got cut off. "So what now? We could just kill all the phantoms and have our own world." said Aiden. A little too happily. 

" Can you shut up? No one else is happy about this but you. Read the room. If you hadn't told my parents about stupid Savannah then I wouldn't be in this mess. The least you can do is shut up and be serious." I said sort of annoyed.

"This is a nightmare. H-how are w-we supposed to survive?" cried Logan.

"No offence Logan but that's what we all want to know and you asking it out loud is pretty dumb." said Taylor. 

Aiden looked a little bummed but he still had his creepy smile and Ben was just looking around. 

"Guys lets talk later. Lunch is almost over and none of us have eaten." suggested Taylor.

We all nodded our heads and ate our lunch. Best if we talked about this later anyways. School isn't exactly the best place to plan, especially with Tyler yelling our dark fantasy problems to the world.  

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word count: 1239

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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