the Phantom World

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    Screw you Aiden. You psycho maniac

    "Ashlyn...I think you should go!" mom said.

"I know what you think. That's your fiftieth time telling me. But my answer is no."

My mom was on her knees begging for me to go to a trip to Savannah. Originally, I wasn't even going to let them know there was a trip but Aiden sabotaged those plans, intentionally.

My dad spoke after, " please don't force me to get on the floor and beg to. Look at your poor mother."

Ugh. I rolled my eyes, "fine. One condition, you never complain about me being alone again. Deal?"

My mom rose from the floor and both parents grabbed hands and started jumping. UGH. This better not be annoying. 

--------------------SKIP TO TRIP----------------------------------------------------------------

"Oh! Ashlyn! I thought you weren't coming!" Aiden tried.

I just put on my headphones and ignored him. I was not going to speak to him the whole trip. I couldn't wait to get home.  Once we got on the bus I faded into a deep sleep until we arrived.

     The teacher made some stupid announcement, but I couldn't focus on him. Behind him was this weird figure, smiling. After he finished speaking, he allowed us to go wherever we wanted.

As much as I got a weird feeling, I felt like I had to follow the figure... it seemed somewhat familiar. I ran towards that direction, but it ran faster. "Hey Ashlyn! Wait for us!' Aiden and the others were following me but I had to find that figure. I kept running, ignoring them. "Hey!' 

A women with brown hair and tanned skin stopped me, " Excuse me! I'm in charge of touring a group for The Sorrel House, would you like a tour? Don't worry about paying the previous group cancelled so I had already cleared my schedule, so my time is free for now."

I froze, "huh?" I wasn't really paying attention to her, but I noticed that the figure had disappeared. 

"The S-Sorral ho-house?" A voice- Logan's said.

"Oh Sweet! I heard it was haunted!!" said Taylor

"Haunted? Count me in!" the psycho said, "..Ash? Are you coming to?"

I ignored him, "Ben, Tyler, Logan are you all going?" 

Ben and logan nodded and Tyler said he won't leave Taylor. Alright then..

    "YES! okay, and if you don't mind then we'd love to come!' Taylor squealed. 

ugh. I hate this. We walked for a couple minutes before we entered the house. 

"Its d-dark" spoke Logan and Ben was subtly shaking his head. I pat his back lightly, in attempt to comfort him and kept walking.

"This is the infamous house, Sorrel House! There a rumors have dark creatures running arou-"



"Uh- forgive me but I really must take this call. It's my boss. "

I nodded and she took her leave. Just when she left I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was and it was a dark shadowy figure smiling at me with its ghostly white teeth. I jumped but I didn't make a noise. I thought in my head that perhaps it was an illusion, a prank. But the figure sunk its claws into my shoulder causing me to shriek" 

AshlynXAiden- Pushy LoveWhere stories live. Discover now