Meet Pipsy's friends

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Meanwhile at the home of the Darkness*

Void's kids are in training*

Vexa whines as she collapsed tired

Vera and Vina train too*

Vexa- Daddy's this is too much !

Void blows the horn: Okay kids, break time, all of you did great!

Vexa whines

Nega Death helps Vexa up: Dang, you trained well sis.

Vexa- Thank you baby bro.

At dinner

They're eating dinner

The babies eat their food*

Aku: Look at my son Goro eat...

Goro eats cutely

Solaris: Awwww.

Aleph eats cutley too*

Vexa takes a secret peek at the photo of Heart and Lightness back when she was trapped in the basement

Heart and Lightness are happy*

Astro coos confused*

Vexa- Shh !

Astro is confused*

Vexa- Honey. Dont blow my cover !

Astro covers his mouth*

Vexa hides the picture

Void: I don't know which jewelpet I want to akumatize.

Vexa- Well dont ! Because nobody likes Akumatized pets that much anymore

Void: Hmmm, I'll think of about what I can do with them in the future....

Nega Death: We'll figure it out.

Back with Beige and his siblings, Waspy feeds Waspy Jr*

Ora is bored with Violet

Beige: Hey guys, you know who we haven't met? We should meet Gru and his minions

Waspy- Huh ?

Razoff: What are the minions?

Beige- Theyre cutr small yellow creatures

Metal Savy: I want to meet them.

Beige- Alrighty lets go

At Toon patrol hq*

Sonia is in bed feeling sad cause of Jenny hurting her feelings*

Snake and Pinstripe are felt bad flr her

Sonia hugs her pillow close*

Pinstripe- Hey babe ?

Snake- You alright ?

Sonia: A little....

Pinstripe- Whats wrong ?

Sonia: Jenny said hurtful things to me.

Pinstripe- What ?!

Sonia has tears*

Snake- Why?

Sonia: Serverus got me again but he failed to become a dragon, now Jenny said something to me while I was being held by Serverus.

Snake- Like waht?

Sonia: She said I'm pathetic

Both- What ?!

Sonia nodded yes*

Punstripe- Oh. Were so sorry to hear that hon.

With the kids....

They arrived at Toon patrol hq*

Maisie: Okay, you explain to Sonia that you've been controlled by the ego stone.

Jenny- She doesnt wanna see me. Plus of I did that why did you wait a WHOLE WEEK to tell me ?!

Maisie: Okay look I didn't realize until now, hey, I'll do the talking then. You don't have to be forced then *knocks on the door*

Jenny- They're gonna hate me.

Savy opens the door: Hi Maisie, what brings you and your friends here?

Maisie: Hey auntie Savy, Jenny wants to tell Sonia the truth.

Jenny looked down

Savy: Okay, come in. *as the two came in*

Snagalola: I'm excited to eat Chef's gumbo.

Duncan: I know him.

Night- Nobody cares about that right now.

Robyn- Yeah Im not big on Cajun food either

????: Pipsy, is that you?

They look to see a rooster, a badger, a turtle, and a tiger.

Grace- Who are they ?

Pipsy: Guys! Everyone, these are my old friends Drumstick the rooster, Tiptup the turtle, Timber the Tiger and Bumper the badger.

Priscilla-............... Honorable

Bumper: We heard Toontown is the best place to live.

Timber: So we decided to move here.

Samanths- Uh huh

Pipsy: Well we're waiting for Maisie and Jenny to come back, they would love to meet you guys. 

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