There are girl minions weaselings meet Daiyo

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Back with Beige and his siblings*

Ora- Im so bored......

Bob hugs her leg*

Ora looks

Waspy: Cute little minion.

Ora- Awwww !

Then they see Kevin and Stuart

Terrorsaur: Who are these two?

Bob- Bros ! Kevin ! Stuart !

Razoff: Cool names.

Then Gru comes back.

Gru- I got some info!

Metal Savy: Huh?

Gru- I found some proof there are girl minions out there !

King Shark: Really?!

Gru- Yes ! Come take a look !

They looked to see*

They see a silouet of a small silhouette with wavy hair in a ponytail and has a womanly body and seemed to be wearing a dress

Bob: Ooh!

Ora- Ooh !

Terrorsaur- Can we get a closer look ?

Metal Savy: Yeah!

Gru makes it closer and they see a cute small female Miniette. Sh ehas full long wavy hair in a ponytail holding a unicorn plushie. Her dress is dark pink with a bluish purple ribbon and black flats. She has normal beuatiful brown eyes Unlike the males , she has more of a gorgeous humanoid appearance , fuller and more hair and feminine bodies and

Stuart: Ooh la la.

Kevin sees and gasped as he spoke minionese tp the other minions

Kevin- Eyyyyyyyy ! S'ereth yllaer laer elamef snionim !

Beige: It's true.

Most of the male minions quickly rushed in yammering and shouting and looked at the picture

Razoff: Oh boy.

Ora and Violet giggled.

The minions have hearts in their eyes*

They all yelled cheered and flirted.

Waspy: We should meet them.

Beige- Yeah. Lets go !

With the weaselings...

They made it back home

Malikai: That was fun.

Tigs: Yeah, it was cool visiting the others in hell.

Arabella- I agree

They heard whimpering*

Arabella- Huh ?

Jason: What was that?

There is a girl behind the bushes*

Arabella- Who are you ?

Dayio: D-Dayio...

Arabella- Daiyo ? Wait.... You're from that Ebirah movie !

Tigs- What are you doing in there ?

Dayio: I was chased by monsters now I'm lost.

Arabella- Awww !

Morty: Hey Godzilla and the others are here, they'll be happy to see you

Dayio becomes surprised as she heard Godzilla's name.

Daiyo- Godzilla ? Mothra ? They're here ?!

Tops: They are!

Daiyo- Can you take me to them ?

Malikai- Of course! 

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