Meet Labou

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Back with the kids.....

They went at the bayou*

Maisie texts dad: Dad, we're on a quest to find the treasure in 3 days, DON'T cry again like the time when I went on a weekend field trip.

Priscilla- Cant believe we are doing this again. I could be at home relaxing.

Snips: It's an adventure, besides I'm holding the babies for you.

Priscilla- ( Offended ) Are you calling me ungrateful little man ?!

Snips whimpers: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to....

Priscilla sighed

Priscilla- Awww honey.

She picks her small family up.

Snips: Oh!

She scratches his chin and smiles

Bumper: So where can we sleep to find the treasure?

Tito: Yeah?

Krunch: Hey that mini dock shack looks nice.

Night-( To Krunch ) No shit sherlock. Where else ?

They went in it, but they heard a rustle*

Prscilla- what was that ?

Maisie: Jenny?

They heard cooing*

Porsha looled amd gasped

They see green webbed ears peeking from the bushes*

Priscilla- What is that ?

Fenrir: I'm well prepared to fight it

It reveals a small cute swamp monster*

Snips- What the hell ?

Priscilla- Oh my goodness ! It's so cute !!

She dropped Snips and holds it.

Samantha- What is that ?

Snips: I'm okay....

Luna: Never seen a creature like that before....

Maisie pets him: He's very adorable. He must be a little swamp monster.

Night- Now why the hell did you think it was Jenny ? It was SMALL !! And how come Jenny didnt come with us ? Oh no ! Wait ! She cant because she feels like a BITCH because y'all quickly abandoned !!

Scott: Night! Please?!

Night stressed: Sorry I'm sorry.

Maisie pets him: Let's call him Labou.

Priscilla- You know what. I never said this. But if yall watched Tyler Perry's one movie called Why Did I Get Married , you and Scott remind me of Marcus and Angela because you don't take shit from anybody and you are always ready to hurt someone and Scott is lile Marcus by wimping out all the time !

Scott: Oh, so that's why.

They heard more rustling*

Labou is scared and hides behind Maisie, they look to see Jenny and Spike*

Night- About time ya got here. ( Glared at the group ) AT least SOMEBODY cares enough to mention them !

Scott: Babe!

Night: Okay, I'm sorry.

Maisie: Jenny! *hugs her* You came!

Jenny- Ey.

Priscilla-( To Scott ) I wouldnt be calling her out Marcus. You have no room to call her out when u got your own problems acting like a wimp

Scott: Sorry.

Maisie: Long story short, Chef needs help to pay for the rent, we decided to find the treasure to help him, so we got three days to find the ship of Captain Lerouge.

Jenny- ( Annoyed sigh ) Maisie not this crazy treasure bull again. How do you even know its real ?

Priscilla- Thats what I said ! Damn !

Maisie: We'll never know if we find out. Oh. *picks up Labou* This little guy is Labou.

Jenny gasped and her eyes sparkled*

Jenny holds him.

Jenny- Hi little guy !

Labou whistles a song*

Jenny- Awww youre so cute !

She snuggles him

Pipsy giggles*

Maisie: Okay guys, let's set up our camp and eat some dinner. 

LabouWhere stories live. Discover now