.:Chapter Two:.

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Two weeks after full moon.

The young were darted into the overgrown hedges that were across the street from the bar, his black eyes glittering with alertness as he searched for anything out of the ordinary. He knew this was a bar that vampires frequented, and even a few of the bartenders were some of the blood-sucking parasites. The were growled as he watched a vampire walk out with his arm around a human girl's waist, but he wasn't here to save anyone else. Their own personal werewolf body-guard would have to take care of that; he was here for Zacky.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come with me to the bar? It's been ages since we've went out and had a drink." Zacky asked as he switched his weight to his other foot, scratching at the tattoo that was placed behind his ear.

"Yeah, I'm sure, Zee. I'm not feeling very good tonight." Brian smiled nervously, but he knew it was a lie. He would follow Zacky to the bar in secret, just to make sure that he was okay; he didn't have enough sense to realize the bar he liked going to was overrun with vampires.

"Well, if you're sure.." Zacky smiled and then left Brian's doorstep. He got in his car and drove away, completely unaware of the fact that he was being followed all the way to the bar by a furry little being with black eyes and an incredible crush on him.

Brian shrunk back into his human form with a low groan of pain and a few cracks of protest from his bones. He stayed hidden in the shrubbery across the street, his eyes following the slight stumbles of different drunken bar customers as they left to their vehicles. Brian didn't particularly care for letting drunk drivers go, but he had to keep focused in case a certain someone walked out of the bar. He couldn't afford to lose concentration for even a second, because not only was Zacky somewhat sneaky, vampires were fast.

He waited for thirty minutes, an hour, an hour and a half, and finally when the time frame was approaching two hours, Brian saw the raven-haired man step out of the bar. His heart surged with joy at the sight of the bright-eyed man leaning up against the side of the wall and smoking a cigarette, simultaneously checking his phone. After a second of Zacky tapping away on his phone, Brian's pocket vibrated. He had just received a text from Zacky.

'Wish you were here at the bar. I know it sounds weird but I'm kinda scared.. This weird guy has been hitting on me all night.' Brian's heart stopped. Was Zacky being propositioned by a vampire? He pursed his lips for a second before replying, occasionally letting his eyes flit upwards to make sure Zacky wasn't in any danger.

'Weird? Like, gay weird or just general weird?' Brian asked, knowing it was a loaded question. Zacky smiled immediately as he apparently received the brown-eyed man's text, causing his heart to pound against his ribs. Zacky was so adorable.

'General weird.. Gay people don't really bother me, you know that. Ha ha.' Zacky's message sent a pang of hope rushing through Brian's entire body. Could that be his subtle way of telling Brian that he wasn't straight, like he previously thought he was?

'Well, I mean.. You want me to come up there?' Just after his message was sent, a man leaned up against the wall next to Zacky and folded his arms. Before Zacky had a chance to answer his message, he smiled uncomfortably and edged away from the man a little bit. Brian strained his ears, desperate to hear the conversation to see if Zacky needed any kind of help. My little damsel in distress.. He thought with a cocked brow and a half-smirk.

"N-no, I.. I'm already interested in someone, thank you." Zacky chuckled nervously, his eyes focused on his shoes. The man edged closer, his smile staying a closed-mouth one, almost as though he was afraid to show his teeth.

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