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Hermione x Fred x George

Hermione Pov:

I was staring at the hottest boys the whole time in class, and as class ended they finally looked back and had a big smirk on their faces. I was flustered😳😳 I hated but LOVEED the way they made me feel because Ron and Ginny were my BFFs 4- lifers and I couldn't do that to them, It would probably break our friendship so there's no need to tell them... As I head to my next class I met up with Ron and Harry (like voldys badussy😨) and Ron wouldn't stop blabbing about his crazy ex. "SHE CRAZY MAN, SHE WAS WITH ME 24/7 EVEN IN THE BATHROOM," Ron said in a high-pitched voice.

"STFU your voice is so loud damm," I said because she was right behind us the whole time. As the hours went by Harry and Ginny finally convinced me to go to a party. I started getting my hair ready because I knew Fred and George were going to be there. gosh, I have to look amazing🤭I thought to myself.

 gosh, I have to look amazing🤭I thought to myself

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/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ HER DRESS

I walked to the party room and was unexpected to meet 4 pairs of brown lovely orbs staring at me right away. As I started to take a lot of shots the alcohol started to kick in and I raced to Fred and George, "HeYyYyYyY hAnDsOmEs WaNnA cUm ToO mY dOrM pAsSoNs UnE bOnNe NuIt Ce SoIr .. Je VeUx QuE mEs DeUx TrOuS sOiEnT cOuVeRtS" I said with a huge smirk on my face.

 Freds Pov:

Damm even tho she looks so hot rn I can't do this cause shes drunk......unless...NOO......or maybe because she did ask if we can--*CLANK* while I was in my thoughts Hermione spilled her drink all over herself she reeked of alcohol, Me and George took her to her dorm. Into the bathroom and George started a bath, we told her to get undressed and get in the bath when we left. But she soon called us back to help her unzip her red dress. God .. this is making me act up ahaha... I soon felt a bulge appear as a looked at Hermione remove her dress, exposing her flat somewhat big botty Judy body, Hermione looked at me and smirked eyeing my pants. She glanced at George and saw he was also hard. "Do yOu guYs nEed heLp wIth thAt..~".. "NO uM it's alright.. just get in.." Gosh I can't take advantage..." I knew George and Me couldn't help ourselves so I leaned into a kiss...  

Hermione Pov:

Before I knew it, felt someone's lips on mine. And not one, but two. They're both kissing me. I opened my eyes and saw Fred and George trying to get to my lips. I put my hands on their necks and put my big lips on both of them. It was kind of hard, so I kissed George for a while and then Fred.  As soon as my lips met Fred, I felt his hand grabbing my hair and pulling it back. At first, he was trying to be as gentle as possible, but then he felt that that was not what want. The kisses went from nice to rough and passionate, soon after that, he used his tongue. I feel so good right now, or am I just imagining it in my head? I've been saving my flower for this day. Fred and George turn on kissing me, but I felt someone's hand on my big juicy thigh underwater. I don't know who's but it kept moving up, squeezing me, until it got to my panties.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Fred kissing me and someone's hand is rubbing my budsussy. This is the dream I've been having since 4year every day, this is so crazy. George grabbed my boobs in a bra tightly, I moaned into Fred's mouth and I felt him smirk. Then, a finger went into me. I opened my eyes, who is fingering me? Whoever it is, is doing it the right way. When he hit the right spot, I loudly moaned and arched my back. This, everything, Fred and George both kissing me, the water, the hot steam, the alcohol, and the fingers inside me...everything is so magic.  I reached the orgasm, and I loudly moaned, "You're so hot." Said Fred looking at me.



btw I made this at 3am with my baby Chiki so don't take it seriously.


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