Fruity for you..?

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Spongebob x Squidward

3rd Person POV:

SpongeBob is feeling more cheerful than usual as he finishes up his work shift at the Krusty Krab, whistling a happy tune as he gathers his things and bids farewell to his boss Mr. Krabs.

As he steps out of the restaurant and begins to head home, SpongeBob's attention is caught by a sight that makes him pause in his tracks. There's Squidward, walking just ahead of him, and something about the way he moves has SpongeBob's heart racing a bit faster. It's odd... SpongeBob hesitates for a moment, unsure if he should say anything, but his curiosity gets the better of him, and before he can stop himself, he calls out to the Squidward.

"Hey, Squidward! Wait up!"

Squidward turns at the sound of his name, looking visibly annoyed as he notices SpongeBob hurrying to catch up with him. He's taken aback by the eagerness in the sponge's voice, and he can't help but feel a tiny flutter in his heart, "What do you want, SpongeBob?"

SpongeBob quickly catches up to Squidward, matching his pace as they walk side by side. He glances over at the squid, his eyes roaming over the other man's tall, thin frame. "I just wanted to walk with you for a while. Is that okay?" Squidward is momentarily taken aback by SpongeBob's request, but he quickly composes himself and tries to sound indifferent. "I suppose. But I don't see why you'd want to spend your time with me of all people."

SpongeBob shrugs nonchalantly, keeping his cheerful demeanor despite Squidward's grumpy response, "Oh, come on, Squidward. You're not that bad." He gives the squid a friendly pat on the back, his touch lingering perhaps just a little longer than necessary.

Squidward stiffens at the contact, his heart rate quickening slightly. It's odd, how such a seemingly innocent touch could cause such a reaction within him. He clears his throat, trying to ignore the strange feelings stirring within him. "Just don't get too clingy, okay?" SpongeBob laughs softly, his expression turning coy as he looks up at Squidward. He takes a step closer so that he's practically brushing against the older man's side.

"Aw, come on, Squidward. You know you secretly love the attention."

As they walked in silence, Spongebob began to think about how he felt when it came to Squidward and he knew he had a big crush on him for as long as he could remember. He couldn't admit his feelings but he knew what could please his love and attraction to Squidward. SpongeBob sneaks a sly glance up at Squidward, his eyes sparkling with a touch of mischief. He bites his lip, trying to hide a smile as he continues to walk beside the squid.

"Hey, Squidward..."

Squidward grumbles a bit, bracing himself for some weird, nonsensical question, "What is it now, SpongeBob?" SpongeBob giggles, clearly enjoying the older man's annoyance.

"Well, I've been thinking... and I was wondering if..." He hesitates, suddenly feeling rather shy about his next words. But with a burst of courage, he lets them out. "If maybe you'd ever want to... you know... explore a... different kind of friendship with me?" Squidward tenses up at the unexpected question, his cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment. He glances over at SpongeBob, his eyes wide with surprise and a touch of unease.

"What exactly do you mean by "different kind of friendship," SpongeBob? You're not talking about something... inappropriate, are you?" SpongeBob gives Squidward a sly grin, his confidence growing as he sees the effect he's having on the older man. He steps even closer, their bodies almost touching now.

"Oh, you know exactly what kind of friendship I'm talking about. I think both of us could... benefit... from something a bit more... intimate." SpongeBob's eyes darken with a seductive gleam, and he leans in closer to Squidward, his breath hot against the squid's ear as he whispers. "You have no idea just how much I'd like to... explore you. I can't help but think about... touching those long, slim tentacles of yours... feeling them against my skin..." Squidward's cheeks flush an even deeper shade of red as he processes SpongeBob's words. The combination of the lewd imagery and the sponge's sudden boldness leaves him feeling both flustered and aroused. He swallows hard, trying to keep his voice steady.

"S-SpongeBob, you can't just say things like that..." His gaze trails down the young man's form, taking in the curves of his body in a way that he never has before.


Flashing forward a few moments later, the scene shifts to Squidward's small, modestly furnished home. SpongeBob and Squidward are standing in the dimly lit living room, the only light coming from a single lamp in the corner. Squidward fidgets nervously, clearing his throat as he glances around the room, avoiding eye contact with the sponge that's currently making him feel so flustered and out of sorts. Spongebob moves closer to him and gives him a lustful look as if he wants Squidward to know he wanted this, "Come on... Get on the couch now.." He whispered as he guided on the sofa and slowly removed Squidward and his clothes.

SpongeBob's eager hands roamed over Squidward's quivering form, mapping the contours of his lover's body with reverent touches. His heart pounded with anticipation as he positioned himself above Squidward, the tip of his enthusiastic member nudging against the cleft of Squidward's thighs. With a deep breath, SpongeBob pushed forward, his throbbing cock sliding smoothly into Squidward's tight, velvet heat. A low moan escaped Squidward's lips as he felt the fullness stretch him, his tentacles trembling with pleasure and vulnerability. SpongeBob's hips began to rock, setting a steady, delicious rhythm as he thrust into Squidward's body. Their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them. Each stroke met with a strangled gasp, the friction sparking waves of euphoria to course through Squidward's body. As SpongeBob's hips snapped against Squidward's, the rhythm grew more frantic, the pace relentless. The room filled with the slick sounds of their bodies together, punctuated by desperate cries and breathless moans.

SpongeBob's member was a swirling mass of vibrant yellow, throbbing with desire. The tip shimmered with slickness, the head flushed and sensitive, while the shaft was firmly ridged with veins that pulsed in time with his racing heartbeat. Its texture was unlike any other: soft yet firm, its spongy nature allowed for maximum pleasure as it brushed against Squidward's inner walls. Squidward's moans escalated into a cacophony of unfiltered pleasure, his body shuddering with each fierce thrust. With each passing moment, SpongeBob's cock drove deeper into the quivering depths of Squidward's channel. His voice wavered in time with SpongeBob's merciless thrusts, his cries growing louder as the pleasure overtook him, "F-Fuck, Spongebob- Ahhh~~~"

Squidward's body was a writhing mess of tentacles and moans, every nerve ending alight with sensation. His voice wavered in time with SpongeBob's merciless thrusts, his cries growing louder as the pleasure overtook him. With a guttural roar, SpongeBob buried himself to the hilt, his cock pulsing as he spilled his hot, sticky seed deep inside Squidward. The sensation triggered a shuddering climax in Squidward, his body convulsing as he painted the sheets with his release. SpongeBob didn't relent, continuing to thrust even as their climaxes subsided. The intensity of his movements pushed Squidward to the brink again, causing him to squirt with such force that it painted the ceiling.

The room echoed with the sounds of wet slaps and heavy breathing, their skin slick with sweat and various bodily fluids. SpongeBob's still-hard cock slid out of Squidward with a lewd squelch, followed by a string of cum that painted Squidward's thigh. Looking up at SpongeBob with a submissive glance, Squidward leaned forward and took the head of his coworker's cock into his mouth. With a few tentative tugs of his lips, he cleaned the remaining cum off the still-hard dick. His mouth to the still-messy cock, his tongue swirling over the soft, sensitive head before he began to suck. Squidward, still panting and gasping for breath, slowly lifted his head. His tongue flicked out, tasting the mix of their releases before he engulfed SpongeBob's still-hard cock. With a moan, SpongeBob grabbed onto Squidward's tentacles, pulling him closer as he began to thrust once more, the lewd sounds filling the room as he fucked Squidward's mouth, marking him with their mingled flu. 

As their coupling reached a fever pitch, SpongeBob erupted once more, his seed pouring down Squidward's throat as he moaned in ecstasy. Squidward swallowed it all, his eyes watering from the volume, yet never once breaking the rhythm of the blowjob.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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