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Me and Xiao ling made our way through the rest of the doors, soon enough we came across one that was locked.

"Xiao ling will look for the key over there, military man can look for the key there." He pointed left and then right. I nodded silently as I made my way to the right side of the room, opening a few drawers that were only filled with coins and pencils.

After a bit I hear the familiar voice of Xiao ling call out,

"Xiao ling has found the key!"

I look up, looking around before following Xiao lings voice to find him in a room off to the side with the key, the bedside drawers had been rummaged through so he most likely found the key in there. I hum before offering him a smile.

"Good job" I tell him, watching as he hesitates before looking away as if to hide his face as he hands me the key. I thank him before taking the key from his hands, they were cold compared to my own warmer ones. Our hands felt like they were yearning for each other, my touch lingering on his own before I had snapped out of it and took the key from him. I turn away to hide my face from him, this warmth that bloomed over my cheeks was unlike any I had felt before.

"Let's go unlock that door. I'm pretty sure we're close to the 50th one." I tell him, walking towards the door that read '47' just a few more to go.

I can hear Xiao ling following behind as we walk through the door, but suddenly the lights go out and flicker. I huff as I try to reach for my flashlight, but it seems I must've left it somewhere. I curse to myself but have to keep calm. I could hear Xiao ling gasp softly when the lights went out, I turn towards him, or at least where I think he is. I can hear his light breathing, he seems to be reaching out and trying to step forward without bumping into anything.

"Careful..." I whisper, he seems to pause as he heames my voice before continuing. I thought I heard him nod his head, but for once he was silent. I hear a small sound as if he were trying to get my attention.

"Psst..." I look up, slightly starting before turning towards Xiao ling. "Hmm?" I hum, wondering what he wanted. He paused before I could hear him shuffling to look in my direction.

"Xiao ling did not say anything." He mumbles, his voice shakes lightly with fear. I go rigid as I slowly turn to the side and see a ball of black mass with glowing white eyes and a pearly white row of teeth. It was inches away from my face. I yelp loudly before smacking it away, it screech's before returning to the darkness. I huff in fear, Xiao ling must've gotten scared as well because when I looked to the side he was gone.

"..." I pause before looking around, I was now alone and scared.

"Xiao ling?" I call into the darkness, no response.

"Xiao ling are you here?" I call out, sounding a bit desperate now as I search around with my arms outstretched Infront of me as I peek around corners and call for him.

"Goddda-" I nearly curse to myself before being grabbed around my waist and pulled into a closet. I go to scream when a hand is placed over my mouth and someone shushs me. A monster runs down the hall and destroys some of the furniture as it passes quickly through the room. I go rigid with both fear and realization.

"Xiao ling is sorry he was quiet, but he heard the monster coming." He whispers into my ear, only then do I realize our position, cramped int he small closet with Xiao ling behind me with his arms wrapped around me from behind and his face on my shoulder. His hot breath hits my neck and I can't help shuddering lightly.

"Its.... It's fine." I have to fight back a voice crack in order to make myself seem stronger. He slowly releases my waist and I open the closet carefully. I go to walk forward but he grabs my hand.

"Xiao ling doesn't want to be lost again." He mumbles, his fear more noticable now as his voice shook lightly. I nod to him before remember we can't see each other well.

"Yeah.. sure." I reply, before i begin guiding the both of us out of the dark room.

Military man x xiao lingWhere stories live. Discover now