Chapter #2

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Naruto made his way through the village. After a week he was finally released from prison- the Hospital. He had spent the entirety of the day in the Hokage's office telling him about the future, which things he said were a lie, and trying to convince the old man not to assign him to his father's team, which didn't work. The Sarutobi had gotten an apartment ready for Naruto, as well as his clothes washed and replicated which he thanked him for. Sarutobi informed him that Minato would observe him and give him a Shinobi rank.

This is why, against his better judgment, Naruto found himself entering his Team's Training Ground, sixteen years too early. It seemed that they had yet to start their team activities. Kakashi was the first to notice him approaching, as perceptive as ever.

"Naruto," Kakashi gave him a greeting. Naruto smiled and gave him an enthusiastic wave. "Greetings, Otouto." Everybody widened their eyes as Naruto ruffled Kakashi's hair and Kakashi let him. Naruto turned to Minato. "I assume that the Hokage filled you in and that you filled them in." Minato nodded, wondering if Naruto knows why he was assigned to his team under his supervision. The Hokage told him that he would assign Naruto to his team so that he could keep an eye on him.

"Okay team, it looks like Naruto will be joining us from today forward. Let's start with introductions. I'll go first, My name is Namikaze Minato and I like training and spending time with my loved ones, I hate my loved ones being threatened, my hobbies are training and cooking, and I dream of one day being the Hokage. Obito, why don't you go next?"

Naruto smiled at the mental image of his father in a pink apron, Rin and Obito had smiles on their faces suggesting that they had the same thought.

"My name is Uchiha Obito, I love my comrades and hate those that'll abandon theirs, my hobbies are training and pranks, and I also dream to become the Hokage."

Naruto smiled at the black-haired teen's admittance of being a prankster. "We're going to get along so well, I can already tell."

"Would you like to go next?" Rin asked. Naruto gestured for her to go ahead. "My name is Nohara Rin, I love my comrades and hate violence especially when my teammates fight each other." Obito and Kakashi both gave a subtle reaction of guilt. "My hobbies are training, usually in Medical Ninjutsu. And I dream to become a respectable kunoichi."

Naruto looked at Kakashi, gesturing for him to go next. Standing up, Kakashi didn't rise to the bait. "My name is Hatake Kakashi," And he sat down making everybody's jaw drop.

'That was even worst than last time, come on, Sensei.' Naruto decided to take it as a challenge.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Things I like and things I hate? I don't feel like telling you that." Naruto basked in Kakashi's bewilderment. "Dreams for the future? I never really thought of it. As for my hobbies, well, I have lots of hobbies." He recited his master's words verbatim.

"Okay, let's get started on today's training." Minato recovered first.

"Yes, the Hokage said that I was an official Shinobi of Konoha, but you were to place me in a rank. Am I to spar with you?" Naruto asked, not at all pleased with the thought of fighting with his father.

"No, I'll be watching from the sidelines to properly observe, I'd like you to fight Kakashi instead." Naruto blinked before grinning, he didn't know revenge would be exacted this soon.

"Sure, no problem. What do you say, Otouto?" 

"Why are you calling me that?" Kakashi asked somewhere in between annoyed and happy. "I've already explained that you look a lot like my sensei, who was like a brother to me. It just feels right to call you that, but I'll refrain if it bothers you too much."

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