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At morning....

Ringg.., ringgg..,. Ring.... ( alaram sound)

Tae pov
I woke up by alaram sound ...
I saw my Princess is sleeping while hugging me tight first I checked her temperature
I sign in relief it was normal
I looked at her some time .... Caressed her hair kiss on her forehead.
I slowly got up from bed . With out disturbing her.
I go to bathroom......  I did my morning rutine. Get ready for school. I looked at bed she is still sleeping. I really don't want to wake her up but I have to
She have to eat breakfast and some painkillers.

So  I go towards bed sat beside her I shake her little....
Princess..... Wake up baby.....

She just move little and hummed in respons

Baby....  Get up dear you have to eat breakfast ( shaking her little hard)
Yn : oppa..,.??

Tae : yes princess  it's me
Get up now or.. Else ( I was about say or else I will eat her all favorite pancake but before I complete my words she quickly got up and sit on bed . ...,. And said something which made me confuse

Yn : ummm... Sorry oppa...

Tae: for what princess.....??

Yn : I didn't mean to wake up late   ( she said looking down)

( when did she start to say sorry for woking  up late is it because of yesterday .....?????? did I scare her this much   .....??? I am feeling very sad and gilty now. I was in my thought until  she speak again )

Yn : I will go and ready for school quick.  ( she was about to get up but I held her back )

Tae: you are not going school today

( she look at me questioning way)

Tae :  did you forget that you are suspended for 2 days... Moreover  you have to take some rest... Your not completely well.

Yn : ohh.. Yaaa Umm( she nodded her head)
Tae :  ( I smile at her lightly) take rest well baby
until I come back from school.
After that I will take you some where okk... ( I said softly)

Yn : hmmm...?? Where...?
( she asked me qutely..)

Tae : that is surprise............  Between
How is your legs are they hurting ....( I asked her sadly )

Yn : no oppa i am fine... ( she said looking down)

Tae : don't lie princess ( I said softly)

Yn : no oppa I am telling the truth.
Yaa they do hurt little but I am fine

Tae: ok  princess  after eating breakfast I will give you pain killers
Then it will be alright fully humm...

And now go and brush your teath and come for breakfast .. ... Humm go goooo

Time skip at daining hall.

Yn pov

Me and oppa currently eating my favorite pancake... It was amazing
I finished my breakfast
My happiness all vanished when oppa put tablet in front of me..,

I make disgusting face expression.,...
I really don't want to eat them


Tae : princess don't make your face like that.... You have to eat it  anyway. ( he Cukkeled at me)

He is making fun of mee hmp.... 😖

I make angry pout it only make him Lough loudly.

Why is he always Lough at me when I am angry do I look that funny....

Yn : oppaaa... Don't Lough at me.. Like that ( I winned)

Tae :  ok ..ok.. I am sorry medaum
Now eat this he gives me tablet. Nd water..

Yn : but I don't want to eat it.. (I said sadly )

Tae : but you have to princess please for me... ( oppa asked me softly)

I really don't want to eat it..
But I don't have any choice ...
I can't argue with him from now on he told me he will be strict from now on
I have to obey him what if his mood got change I don't want face the wall again.
thinking all this my eyes got teary... Before oppa notice it I held them back...
Then I took the tablet gulp them down with watter.  While making disgusted face.

Tae : yaaa that's my girl ( he patted my   head)
I smiled at him

Tae : ok darling I will go school now... Humm
Take rest..
And be ready at evening I will take you somewhere..
(He took his bag which he kept earlier on the sofa)

Oppa is going to school now..
What if he punish them with my absence.
He  was about go but I stopped him.

Yn : oppaa....

Tae : yes princess do you want something.... ??
Yn : umm... Oppaa... Umm... You remember right....
You promised me something.. ( I said  playing with my finger)

Tae : of course princess.... I remember it.
Don't worry I won't harm your friends ok.... ( he assure me with smile I return his smile)

He kiss on my forehead  before leaving for school.
And I went to my room.

At car

Tae pov

I am really feeling gilty
She is behaving  weirdly
I think she is now scared of me
How can I make her normal again.... ?? 😔😔😞🥺

I took deep breath

I will make it up to her today evening.
before that I have to deal with jennie and rose...
These.. Kids.... Why they do such things...??

Thinking all these I reach the school.

Hii sweat hearts ❤💞

How aare you all
It's have been long time right..

I am really sorry .. Guys 🥰🥰🥰

Tq so much for your beautiful response for my story. 🥰🥰

i am still facing  problems in life

But I don't want to make you wait for long...

Soo here it is....

I will upload next part ....
But I can't promise you guys I will upload it soon.

But I will try

And about this chapter...
How is it....???
Did you guys enjoy it...??

What do you think...
Do Tae will gonna punish rose and jennie......??? ignoring the promise he gave his princess. ..??

What do you think of  yn....

Will she come out of her fear...?

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