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(Here it is guys! For everyone coming over from the one shots I made of this, Thank you so much for your support and love, this will be In Billy's pov!"

Billy's pov-

I wake up, the feeling of Steve lips pressed against mine. "Goodmorning Princess" I say and his cheeks flush a beautiful rosy color. I was so happy and It was all because my little sister Max slipped up and told me that he was an Omega instead of an Alpha like everyone had thought. I cup his cheek and pull him in closer giving him a small peck to the forehead. "What time is it?" I yawn and stretch my arms.
He checks his phone and he lets out the cutest giggle "4 in the afternoon, we slept all day." I sit up looking around for the clothes I had on yesterday. I see them neatly folded on his desk and smirk to myself. He really is the perfect house husband. I get up and grab my clothes, "You don't mind If I use your shower do you?" I ask and he nods his head no politely. "Go ahead, after all you might be my fated Mate" His eyes trailing away from mine and his face flushing. Smirking I pull him in by his hips and whisper in his ear "Does that bother you princess?" He practically crumbles beneath my touch and he hides his cute little face in my chest.

"I-it doesn't bother me at all" He says and I smirk, hes the cutest thing to walk this planet. "Alright baby, let me get showered. I wanna take you somewhere today and weve gotta be fast or it will close." I say and his eyes light up. "Where?!" He asks and a laugh "You don't get to know. It's a surprise" I tell him and he begins to pout. "You'll know soon enough" I say and he sighs knowing I won't tell him.
We have two weeks until the next full moon and if it turns out we aren't mates I want to make these two weeks count. Heading to his bathroom I take of the bottoms he lent me and turn on the water.

After my shower I put on the clothes I had on yesterday. They don't smell too bad considering I put them on just to come to Steve's. I laugh at myself. I'm acting like a schoolgirl with a stupid crush. No this was more than a crush. I've never felt this way about anyone. I can't help but stare at his handsome face whenever I can. The urge to kiss those soft and sweet lips. I want to hold him in my arms for days on end, not moving a single muscle. I finish getting dressed and come out, my hairs still wet from the water but I couldn't find a hair dryer. I shurg my shoulders and go to Steve's room to find him not there. "Steve?" I semi-yell "Down here!" I heat his voice call out from down stairs and I make my way down. I find him in the living room watching something random. "Are you ready pretty boy?"
(Weird side note but my whole house smells my mayonnaise for some reason)
He nods his little head yes and we go outside to his car. I had leave mine at home due to the transmitter acting up. I get in his front seat and start the car up as he gets inside. I place my hand on his thigh and begin driving to out next location.

We arrive and his face lights up like a kid in a candy store, "You're kidding right?" He says and I shake my head no. I hop out of the car and go around to his door opening it for him, he steps out and I can't help but peck his lips quickly. He looks surprised and touches his lips. "Were in public Billy" He whisper yells at me and I shrug it off. I'm not ashamed to say I'm in love with him. And I'm not ashamed if anyone sees how in love with him I am. Grabbing ahold of his hand I practically drag him into the bakery we were at. I know its his favorite due to our conversation on the couch last night. "You can get anything you want pretty boy." I say and he giggles excitedly. Running around the small bakery he picks out a few different items. "Are you sure getting all of this is okay?" He asks and I nod a quick yes. We need desserts for after the dinner I take him too, I smile, which he still doesn't know about.

He collects the treats he wants and brings them to me, there's a few different cake pops, a small strawberry shortcake, and some macaroons in a small box. "Is this all love?" I ask and he nods happily. I bring them to the counter a pay for all the items. "Don't eat it all in one sitting Stevie. I don't want you to get a stomach ache." I say and he agrees. I begin to drive us to the next spot and he gives me a confused look. "You'll see baby." I say. I pull up to the restaurant and get out. "Stay here for a second, alright" He looks at me and nods "Okay but don't take too long!" He says and I smile at his comment.

Going in I ask about my reservation and if the table would be ready yet. "Yes sir the table is ready, would you like to be seated now?" The waitress asks and I tell her no. Running out to the car I grab Steve and bring him in. It's a family worked restaurant but it's got the best food. "I'm ready." I tell the waitress and she escorts us to an outside table. The set up is nice and we get a beautiful view of the mountains. "Steve, I wanted to take you on this date to ask you about a few important things." I say and his eyebrows furrow in confusion.

(OKAY so I'm sorry this chapter is a bit short but I've been working on my one shots a lot recently. If you've come from there, be ready for a bunch of new updates.)

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