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(Be ready for a lot of pov changes in this one)

Billy's pov-8

Sitting down with Steve across from me I felt like I was dreaming. "What do you mean Billy?" He asks and I bite my lip nervously. "Even if we aren't mates. We have two weeks before we find out, I want to spend that time with you." I say and his face flushes red for a second "you want to be with me in that time?" He asks and I nod holding onto his soft hands.

"I want to be with you every second of every day that I can be." I say looking deep into his eyes. A waitress walks up to us and he trys hiding his smile "What would you boys like?" Her attention directed towards me. "A water for me." I say and he asks for the same as she sets down two menus. "I'll be right back with your stuff!" She says flashing Steve a bright smile. What a cunt. "Anyways, what I'm trying to say is. Will you be my temporary boyfriend?" I ask and he takes his hands out of mine.

"I just.. I don't know Billy, you're great but I can't.." I get up and put a 20 on the table. "I get it." I say and walk out. I hear him shuffling behind me quickly "Wait Billy I didn't mean it like-" I slam the car door cutting him off. Starting my engine up he quickly tries to get in the passenger seat. I drive off before he can. Going wherever the road will take me now.

Steve's pov-

I watch as he drives off, leaving me in the parking lot of some random fucking restaurant. What did he expect me to say? We barely know each other still. He literally made my life a living hell up until now. Why would I say yes I mean he's... hes.. fuck he might be my mate still.
Would I hate being his mate? No, he's been incredible. So why did you deny him. Fuck!

Walking along the side of the road, my leg muscles burning as I travel down the insane hill Billy drove us up. God I need a break. I break away from the road and go into the woods. Slumping against a tree I slide down and lay my head against it. My body hurts and I'm sweating bullets. I close my eyes for just a second and when I open them back up it's night time. How did that happen..? Getting up I stretch my body, my back cracks insanely loud and I head back to where the road should be. Sitting on the side of the road I hold out my thumb hoping someone will stop for me.

Billy's pov-

I over reacted, hell I didn't even let him finish talking. I smack myself in the back of the head and grab my keys. I have to make this right.

Driving myself to his place I can't help but bite my lip as I hesitate to knock. What am I even going to say? Before I could even lift my hand to the door, it opened. "What's up lover boy?" Robin says Leaning on the door way. "Is Steve here?" I ask and she shakes her head no "haven't seen him since I got here about let's say 7 hours ago. I thought he was with you." She says standing up a bit more straight with a small amount of concern in her eyes. Where would he be..?

Thinking back I realize I left him high and dry at the restaurant and my best bet was to see if he was there. Getting back into my car I start up the engine and the passenger door opens, and in pops Robin. "You didn't think you were going to find him without me?" She says and I roll my eyes. "You're lucky you're bearable." I say and she shoots me a smile.

Driving up the hill I look around for any sign of Steve and suddenly Robin screeches like a banshee "THERE, ITS HIM RIGHT THERE!" She screams and I pull off to the side of the road. I jump out and run to his lifeless body next to the road. Dropping to my knees I pull him onto my lap and shake him rapidly. His eyes shoot open and he grabs onto me tightly "Hey hey I'm here" I say and shush him softly.

I pick him up and place him in the back seat of my car "Robin drive us to his house." I say and she nods. He looks out of it and confused.

Arriving at the old cabin I bring him inside and lay him down on the couch. "I'm gonna go now okay Stevie I just wanted to say-" He cuts me off hugging onto me tightly " Don't go" He whispers out and my heart breaks. He pulls me down with him and I lay down. He positions himself on my chest and cuddles into me tightly.

What a little leach, I smile and kiss his forehead.
"You just love attention huh" I say and his head nods "mmhm especially from you" He says and I bite my lip. "What does that mean?" I say and he looks me in the eyes. " I mean I do want to be your... temporary boyfriend" He says his face flushed insanely red.

(FYI I have an insane writers block so I'm v sorry if this is shit)

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