You got to start somewhere

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Name:Kenji Aoki


Quirk:Dog slime

Quirk description:It makes the affected user look like a humanoid dog that is made up of some sort of soft jelly like texture and allows the user to be unable to receive harm. It also allows the user to combine with another person which gives the affected person a massive boost in strength.

(9 Years ago at a random park)

"Izuku '' I screamed, running around trying to tackle him as we were in the middle of a game of tag. I run around the slide trying to cut him off, only to slam into an unsuspecting kid, landing on top of him in the process. I looked down only to be immensely disappointed as it was katsuki Bakugou or "Kacchan" as my broccoli friend would say. (Kacchan is an absolute little shit that is power tripping over getting explosive sweat.

"Kenji I WILL ABSOLUTELY KILL YOU FOR THIS YOU QUIRKLESS BASTARD" he says as he shoves me off him.

As my mom has always said in this predicament,"when in Rome..." I don't remember the rest but I am not gonna back down to this bully.

"Watch where you're going, you brain dead sweaty bastard". After that it takes a moment for him to process what I had said, but then he turns red and attacks me, throwing a punch.With the expertise of an average 5 year old I don't dodge and the fist connects to my face exploding and making my world go black.


I slowly sat up not wanting to leave the warmth of the mattress below me. I raised my hands to my eyes to rub the sleepiness out of them but as my hands got into my sight I paused noticing that there were 2 black paws in front of me and something long that was black and white in the middle of my vision. I panicked and passed out back onto the bed.


I woke up again but this time my parents were there sitting in chairs asleep.

"Mom?" I call out to her but only to get a grunt in response. "MOM" I scream out to her and finally get her attention.

"Oh kenji,"she says with bags under eyes as she gets up from her seat. She walks over and hugs me while my father wakes up to go call a doctor to come and check up on me.The hug ends and I finally get a good look at my hands/paws. Instead of having five fingers I had four and they looked like they had fur on them but when I squeezed one of them it felt more like wet bread dough. I also had those weird dog pads on my hand that were a light pink color. I snap out of my thoughts due to the creaking noise. I look and see another person arrive with my father who looked curiously at me.

"Hey there champ you're going to be alright and look at the bright side you now have a quirk" the doctor says with a smile and pats me on the head."Me and your parents are going to talk outside just for a bit so rest" he says this as he walks out with my parents walking out with the doctor.I think about my body a bit before going back to sleep ready to push this problem to another day.


I wake up again looking at the familiar light blue color that my room was painted in. The only thing that was unfamiliar to me was a black and white thing that was attached to my face. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the lights only to see a dog's face with a white skull like pattern on its face. I raise my hands and squish my face, with the mirror copying my every move. I move my hands to my muzzle and force myself to smile. I immediately noticed the razor sharp teeth that looked like they could tear steel in half and how intimidating it looked so I switched to one of those dog smiles. I then looked at my ears and grabbed them and what I felt was amazing, it felt like touching a cloud if it was full of water. I then looked around my body some more and found out that I had a tail. It was a big, no scratch that it was a massive tail that almost touched the ground and swayed slightly behind me. After satisfying my curiosity I went back to bed as I had nothing else to do.

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