: ii

570 26 12

February 27, 2010

"Taehyun-ah?" his voice barely above a whisper as he called for the younger.

Once again, they came back to the empty ground a little further away from their campus. At this point, this was always where they met each other without making prior agreements.

A perfect place to be away from the public eye; a little hideout of their own where Taehyun would occasionally sing to the sound of the wind, the birds and Yeonjun being his only audience and lover.

Two people of the same gender in love with each other? How preposterous!

Unluckily, they were.

Taehyun discovered his preferences early— what he liked and what he disliked. Looking at girls romantically being one of the latter.

Taehyun, he'd always known what his feelings were. Surrounded by books almost all of the time, all the romantic tales of the princess that found her prince when she needed him the most that the authors narrated—The electrifying touches that graze your skin when someone you love is with you— it was absurd.

He couldn't find himself feeling even the slightest of emotions when almost all the kids around his age at school and at the orphanage shared their naive experiences with love.

It wasn't like he never talked to girls or had no friends. He did.

But there was no magical electric touch that books talked about.

Taehyun wished he could feel what his other friends felt too.

During a particular incident in the common room of their orphanage, Taehyun had an epiphany.

An epiphany that he was different. He wasn't like the other boys that were around him because they all liked girls... and Taehyun didn't.

Taehyun didn't like girls in the way others expected him to.

And that epiphany came with a price. No one liked people who liked people of the same sex.

Young Taehyun couldn't really understand why it was so bad. It was just love, right?

Finally, Taehyun felt a small spark when he had his first crush. However, it was a secret.

A secret that had him feeling suffocated in his own body. A secret that had him feeling pathetic.

But there was nothing he could do about the cruel world all alone so he learned to live with it.

And then there was Yeonjun—

Yeonjun had always lived with the understanding that he was, in fact, straight— having had his own fair share of relationships and crushes— until he wasn't.

It was like a glass of cold water thrown on his face.

He vaguely remembered (as cliche as it sounds) Taehyun telling him his story at the party where he had accidentally exchanged his cola with Yeonjun's beer.

A drunk confession.

He was so drunk considering it was his first time drinking. But Yeonjun hadn't expected him to be such a lightweight.

His mood literally switched every minute like a light switch— one moment, he was laughing and the next moment he would be crying.

Yeonjun couldn't handle the kid and his drunk ass and called it a day.

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