P r o l o u g e

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The dark sky around Atlanta wasn't inviting, but the moon was enough to illuminate Brian's surroundings. He crouched behind a tipped over dumpster as Daryl and Phillip were up ahead looking for a place to stay.

"Daryl!" Phillip whispered, his voice rose a little to much. The walker that had spooked him cocked his head towards Phillip and began its charge, however Daryl sent its frame crashing into the hard pavement below it with a well place arrow. Phillip retrieved his silenced M22 from his leather holster and nodded, Daryl had saved his ass again. Daryl crouch-walked over to the cadaver to get his arrow, he firmly gripped the arrows shaft and shoved his boot into the once walking corpses face, he pulled hard and the arrow flew out of its head quickly, a little bit of blood with it.

"I say we just take this place, easy to see from a distance, and its empty, we searched it." Daryl whispered back to Phillip pointing at the building Brian was hiding near.

"It'll work, but we'll have to find a way to block the damn doors." Phillip said, his voice low and raspy. He cleared his throat.

Daryl and Phillip both nodded, Daryl quickly pulled back the string of his crossbow and lightly laid the bloody arrow in the flight groove, and they quickly crouch-walked to Brian.

"We're staying here?" Brian asked, he was shivering now and tried to fight back a coughing fit.

"It's getting way too late, man. We just need our rest." Daryl said, now louder.

Brian nodded, they all stood up and walked to the entrance of the building, plenty of walkers stumbled in the streets behind them, but they were almost blind in the dark. They just had to be quiet.

"Daryl, watch our asses." Phillip said handing his silenced pistol to Daryl, who quickly relocated his crossbow to his back and the pistol to his hands. Phillip walked up to Brian and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We got this, no walkers. We just have to find something to block this door from the walkers, got it?" Phillip whispered. Brian swallowed hard, he nodded. Brian wasn't sure if that signal was genuine however, hell he didn't even know what the building looked like. He was coughing behind the dumpster while they searched this place.

"Alright." Phillip said pushing aside a few bins of junk and entering the building, Brian followed. He raised his head and looked around the building, surprisingly the windows weren't broken, however the place had definitely been looted. Papers and trash littered the floor, stuff that you couldn't imagine being in an office building was here, children's toys, plenty of useless stuff.

"Brian!" Phillip said, two large desks sat on top of each other in the back of the room, and no light showed through them. Brian scurried over and gave his brother a hand with the first desk, placing his hands correctly and keeping his grip firm.

Daryl ran into the room, a magazine of Phillips m22 hit the ground with a loud thump, his face filled with complete terror.

"It's a fucking horde." Daryl said, his voice weak.

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