Chapter 2

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Aly's POV:
Gashh, again back to hell, I mean school. How I wish that these four bad guys weren't my classmates

Well now, this day is the first day, well time flew fast

And we're finally here at the school

As we walk through the corridor, I've notice that people here were giving way and I just don't know why and they were almost stepping in a one row of tiles

I felt something not good

After, we saw the four hell guys whose-I-think-spying us. When they pass through, the girls student were keep on giggling and raising a tarpauline which the words 'We Love You Magic 4' was written

Okay. So, they were heartthrobs here. But don't you ever think that I'M a Magic 4 fan. No way.

After they pass through, we got to the bulletin board which you can see the lists on what class you belong

"Well, girls, the four us were classmates" I said

Yes, and it's because that we study hard so, we were in the A-Section

"So, let's go" Kate said excitedly

So we walked ahead the classroom

I was looking for a vacant chairs but there's no more except to the four guys' left side

When I caught a girl's attention thay he's coming near Karl

"Hi Karl, can I sit beside you?" a girl asked

"NO! This seat is reserved for my special someone" he said

Wow. All I know that a teacher assigns where you should seat

We just look around the room if there's vacant

Okay. So we have no choice but to get inside and sit beside them without them ignoring us. Why?

"Is she your someone special?" the girl said as she pointed me with raised eyebrow

"What do you care? I would rather to sit beside her than you. So just go away and I don't wanna see your face. Shoo" he said as he gesture

I looked at him curiously

"Why?" he asked me while not facing me

What does he mean??

"What do you mean?" I asked him

"You've been staring at me for a long time"he said as he looked at me and I pretended that I'm not looking at him

"Ha?" I just pretend innocent

"Fyi, I've been staring at you is because that I'm great concio--"

He trailed off "Great concious at me on who's special someone I'm talking about?"

Gosh, why he didn't let me finish

"Let me finish I'm still speaking" I said as I rolled my eyes

"Well, what I mean is why don't you let her sit in my place, since she wanted to sit beside you" I said

"If she wanted to sit beside well, I wouldn't want to sit beside her is because that all the time she was forcing me to court her. But I don't want her. A big yuck" he said and gestured in anytime he can vomit

Wait, this is the first time I heard that a girl was forcing a boy to court her

"So if I were you, I'll court her to make her big mouth shut" I said

He gave me a curiously look

"Pfft. Won't you try to stare at her, she look like a fish-shrimp. And what do you think people tell me here? I'm a fish-shrimp husband. Pfft" he said

Hahaha. I just laugh in my mind

"Hahhahaha" I can't help but to laugh loudly

"So, you were staring at her?" I asked as I can't move on

"Fine, I think I should tell the truth. Uh-Hu" he said as he fix his polo shirt

"It's definitely YES! People like me likes her....... Bullied. In the way that making her jealous"

I nodded

Liah's POV
Well, as I see, Aly was happy with her seatmate, Karl (I think). If you wanna ask me how's with my seatmate, well. *shrugged shoulder*

"*sneezes* Miss, is this your hanky?" He said as he's eyes were watery and I looked at him, which is he covers the hanky on his mouth

And when I looked at him

"Gaasshhh! That's my hanky!" I yelled that made him giggled

"Who the f*ck are you to use my things?!" I said as grinned

"Hahahahhahaha. Well, you wanna know why this happened? Haha. It's your fault that your hanky scattered at the floor. Hahahahaah" he said as he laugh that caught everyone's attention

"Since I had no hanky and felt my nose running, so I get the hanky and the floor. Hahajahahha" he added

Gosh, I got provoked at this f*cking man

"How dare you!!!!!!" I said as I punch his face

"Whooaaaaaaaaaa" my classmates said  and Clint grinned at me, so I winked at him

Nicole's POV:
Gossh, my classmates kept eyed on Clint and Liah. Haha, they're so funny. I felt something. Grr

I feel my seatmate stares at me. Haha. Not so sure

To make sure, I just asked him

"Do I have problem in my face?" I said as I looked at him

Goshh, I'm right, he's glaring at me

"No, in fact, I love staring at girl's face like yours. And you're so beautiful" he told me

Goshhh, I felt my face burning

"Especially now, you're blushing" he said that made my blood rise at my face

Oh my gosh, he saw, HE SAW!!!

"Hahahahhaha" he giggled and squeeze my face

"Ouchhh" I said as I also giggled

"Ouch. Ouch. Ouch" I heard

We both looked at them, as they scratch their skin

"Well, ants were climbing my skin" a girl said

Well, I know what does they mean

Kean and I giggled

Kate's POV:
Gaaazzhh, Kean and Nicole has something, eh.

Hussshh, the three of them were so lucky, is because thet were happy with there seatmates. And I felt cold for a long time, and let us just include the low temperature in the classroom

My seatmate was boring, he dosen't care on what's happening here and he just put his headphones and closed his eyes as he lean on the wall

I looked at him curiously

"Are you done staring at me?" he said

Hah? How did he say that I stare at him. I was just looking at him curiously. Fine, I have to tell the truth that I am staring at him

"Hah?!" I just said innocently

"You were staring at me and don't act like a stupid" he said as he remove his headphone

"I just looked at you curiously. Is because that you dosen't care on what's happening around you" I said

"It is just also staring and what do I care? Eventhough they killed each other, I don't care" he said

Okay fine. All I had to do is to accept the fact that my seatmate was colder than an ice

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