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Uzaima Bello wondered how she was going to get her task done.

Ever since she started Junior Secondary School her step sister Nusaiba have been dragging her to parties, lying to their parents about it.

At the parties games are played but she never partisipate in any, never drank anything she didn't bring, never danced, all in all she is boring. Always sitting in a corner by herself, watching. She never enjoyed the parties, she'd rather be at home reading anything but with a step sister like Nusaiba you can never have peace. And now she even drag her into their games.
She still remember clearly what happened on Friday night at a party they went after Nusaiba lied about having a sleepover at her friend's.

She was sitting alone, quiet as usual when suddenly her name was called and knowing the caller, she better not disrespect her or her life at school will be a living nightmare. Immediately going over to them, Farida, her caller patted a space beside her to sit, and she sat obediently.

"Why do you always sit alone?" Farida asked her as she sat.

Before Uzaima could respond some girl beat her,

"Yes, she always comes to our party but doesn't do anything, she doesn't even look at us almost like we are invisible."

"So arrogant." another piped in.

"Nusaiba why do you always bring her with you?"

Nusaiba shrugs "because she is my ticket out duh!"

"She's so boring"

"Quiet" Farida spat " did I ask any of you?"
They all kept their silence, some shrugging.

Farida turned to Uzaima "I asked you a question, didn't I?"

"I hate parties" Uzaima answered.

"More like you are boring because you don't have friends" Nusaiba chimed in "can we play a game and forget about this? Truth or dare?"

Everyone voiced their agreement. And the game starts.

Uzaima stretched her body to leave but was unfortunately stopped by Farida, "Don't leave, you are also playing."

This isn't the first time she is bullied by Farida to play a game but she really don't want to.

"Okay who will go first?" Nusaiba asked.

"I always start the game" Grace answered smugly, turning to Uzaima "truth or dare?" she asked her.

"Truth" Uzaima answered.

Nusaiba rolled her eyes while the other girls except Farida hissed.
"She always chooses truth." they complained.

"Why do you always close your hair?"

Uzaima sighed "No reason?"

"You can't just say no reason, you have to answer my question." Grace huffed.

"But I answered your question."

"Grace we all know why she always wear a veil on her head. She is afraid to show people her short bushy hair." Hadiza laughed.

"She have lice in her hair." Maryam added.

"And dandruff." Grace taunted.
They all laughed at her.

"Have you all have enough laughs? Now it's my turn," Nusaiba said, smirking as she looked from one person to another.

They are five girls in their circle playing the game, with Uzaima making them six. The rest of the girls at the party are with the boys who are on the other side of the house.

Farida settled her gaze on a smirking Nusaiba who nodded her head at her then turned to Uzaima who's head is down.

"Uzaima truth or dare?" She asked her.


"I said truth or dare?"

Uzaima opened her mouth "tru-"

"Don't say truth" Farida interrupted her "I am so tired of you saying truth everytime."

"I dare you to drink from that guy's cup." Nusaiba challenged.

Uzaima started shaking her head 'no'.
Farida frowned " I dare you to say no."

And who is she to say no to Farida Mu'azu instead she asked "which guy?" as there are more than 5 guys sitting where Nusaiba pointed.

"The one in the middle sitting over there, typing on his phone."

"What?" Maryam screeched "you can't be serious! How can you ask her to drink from A-"

"I can and I will and you, didn't i give a dare? What are you waiting for?"

Uzaima sat still, nervously looking for an escape. She have never approach a boy before talk more of drinking from his cup. At school she rarely talks to anyone, how can she pull this off?

Seeing the fight or flight look on Uzaima's face, Farida threatened her "If you run you are in trouble."

Having no choice, Uzaima stood up moving in a snail like pace towards the guys leaving a babbling Nusaiba behind. How can she do this? What if she couldn't? What if it is alcohol? What will Farida do to her?
What if?...
She nervously looked behind her only to be met with Farida's pointed glare making her to quickly turn her head.

When she approached the guys, thankful her target is the only one with a phone in hand as all of them are seated which is obvious, she squatted in front of him.

"Hi" she greeted him.

Confused he answered "hi"

She smiled a little looking at the rest of the guys who are staring at her in amusement. She then returned her gaze to her target "so, sorry to disturb you but I was given a dare by those girls over there" pointing behind her "to drink from your cup."

He looked behind her then stared at her with a frown and ask " why should I give you my cup?"

She smiled sweetly at him "Because Farida Mu'azu said if I ask and you didn't give me your cup, I should slap you and take your phone to her."

His eyes widen upon hearing Farida's name "that she-devil" muttered clenching his jaw.

"Can I have your drink?" Uzaima asked.
He gave her his cup without a word.

" Uhmm, can I drink it all?"
He nods his head.
"Thanks" she said standing up.

She turned around proudly staring at the girls most especially her stepsister with a mocking grin on her face as she drank from his cup until there isn't a single drop in it. She dropped the empty cup on the floor her middle finger in display grinning stupidly at them.
Approaching them she smiled "goodbye fuckers." turning around to leave.

"You shouldn't have said that" an amused Farida said " I have another dare you for."

"I am not playing anymore." Uzaima retorted.

"You shouldn't have said what you said and I don't care" Farida shrugged "you don't disrespect me and get away with it. So here is your punishment, Uzaima Bello I dare you to marry the most popular guy in high school before the end of the year." she said smugly.


Not just Uzaima but each and every one of the girls were surprised.

"But I haven't even started Senior Year,  how do you expect me to know who is popular? And also marriage is no child's play Farida, you know that." Uzaima cried.

"I don't care. You are lucky you'll be staring in two days though." Farida said brushing an imaginary dust from her shoulder.

"If I don't?" Uzaima asked clenching her fist.

"You really don't want to know what I'll do to you."

'of course I don't' Uzaima thought "Okay" she nodded her head "dare accepted."

"Game on!" Farida exclaimed crackling like a devil.

Uzaima turned around leaving the house hating the game and parties more as she sits on the stairs of the large veranda positioned on the large front door. She can't wait to be home tomorrow.

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