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"Where did Vicki say she was going?" Sheriff Forbes voice broke me out of my train of thought.

"She didn't" I simply said.

"Did she tell her brother where she was going?"

"No? Why are you asking me I'm not friends with the Donovan's. I came here out of respect for you but I'm not any help. You are wasting your time, and quite frankly mine as well" I say frustrated and grab my things to leave.

"And I appreciate you doing this, but you have to see this from my prospective too. Your family has always been involved with Matt and Vicki; I had the obligation to ask you a few questions" she says giving me a sympathetic look.

"Okay to sum up, I know nothing, she told me nothing. I hope you find her and good day" I say and leave before she can say anything.

I walk outside and see Elena, Aunt Jenna, Jeremy, Matt and Stefan.

"Jeremy, I'm taking you to school come on" I say and he follows me and we wave goodbye to our aunt.

"Are we really going to school?" He asks me as we get into the car.

"Yes, but in a bit. I think I own you an explanation. Also, well done on your acting, they don't suspect a thing" I say, and he gives me a small smile.

"I still don't understand what's going on, how Vicki died, how she bit me, how Stefan killed her, how you pulled her off Elena. It still feels like a nightmare" Jeremy says softly looking out the window

"Do you remember when we were little, dad telling us story about vampire" I ask only sparing him a glance.

"Yeah?" He asks confused about where this conversation was going.

"They are real" I say and pause for a moment to let him process it.

"What!!!" He said after a while still confused but a bit scared as well.

"I need to be calm about this" I say in a calm voice, I could tell he was starting to panic.

"Calm? You realise that you just told me that vampires and witches exist right" He exclaims looking at me like I was crazy.

"After last night you really think is that unbelievable?" I ask giving him a side glance before focusing on the road again. He looks like he wants to argue but after a minute he gives in and gestures me to go on.

"Damon and Stefan are vampire born in 1864. Don't worry Stefan is vegetarian and Damon... well I wouldn't call him harmless but you don't have to worry about him" I say

"And what are you?" He asks curious.

"As for me little brother I'm what in the supernatural is called a core witch. Bonnie for example is a nature witch bound to the ancestors. Kind of a huge bummer if you ask me. The perk of being what I am is that our family has no other witch in our bloodline except me so I have no one to answer to for what I do. Also, my connection with magic is very different than Bonnie's but that is another subject that we have to cover in another episode." I continue and give him a smile.

"And...last night...what was that? What happened to Vicki?" He hesitantly asks with teary eyes.

"Well... you see, a few days ago there was an incident and in retaliation to his brother, Damon, went on a killing spree. Among the victims were Vicki and her druggie friend, but because Damon knew that we were familiar with Vicki after he feed on her he healed her with his blood and compelled her to forget the whole thing. Vicki then proceeds to OD and die with vampire blood in her system. If someone dies with vampire blood their system then they come back in transition, then they can decide either to drink human blood and turn into vampires or not and die. Vicki couldn't resist and drank human blood. What you saw last night was a newly turn vampire who couldn't control her bloodlust. Since Vicki was an addict as a human, vampirism was a terrible idea for her and as a matter of fact for all of us." I say a look at my brother who had tears streaming down his face.

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