Chapter 8: The New Ride

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(Nadia walks into this empty fair, alone. Glancing around, the cool breeze made her shiver. She was wearing a white, knee length, night gown. She saw a sign that said "Welcome to the Star Fair". Nadia realises that she went to this fair before, when she was 7 years old. But why was she there? She jumped when the lights turned on, on every ride, music played. Making Nadia feel a bit uncomfortable and creeped out at the same time, she noticed a ride that she never seen before)

Nadia: Rise And Fall (she read the title of the ride out loud, she narrowed her eyes, curiously)

(Just before she could do anything, she was suddenly sitting on the front row seat of the ride)

Nadia: this is gonna be one of those rollercoasters I hate (she winced, glancing around. The ride started, it was dark, she couldn't see a thing, which scares Nadia already. The rollercoaster train slowly railed forward, she found a knife on a seat beside her, she grabbed it, quickly. Glancing around, she heard the train skid to a stop, she slowly leaned forward, seeing how high she is now. A shiver run down her spin, panicking, she noticed this was gonna be a very big drop. Nadia tried to distract herself, from looking down again. She was afraid of heights, especially the ones that are 100 kilometres. She wanted to get out of the rollercoaster, but she was stuck on the seat. The train went down the 100 kilometre drop, she screamed at the top of her lungs. She woke up, screaming) HELP!!!!!!! (her mother ran into her room, worriedly, she climbed onto Nadia's bed and pulled Nadia into her arms while Nadia was crying and sobbing)

Natalie: shhh, it's okay. It was only just a nightmare (she said softly as she rubbed Nadia's arm, who was trying to calm herself down, but she couldn't stop crying. She held onto her mother, tightly)

(Next morning, in the park. Nadia texted Clarisse, Eric, Aaron and Jason to meet her up at the park, so they did, but not Jason, who didn't respond to her text)

Eric: what's up? (he said to Nadia, concerned)

Aaron: you know, you could of skype called us, instead of meeting up in the park. (he crossed his arms under his chest)

Clarisse: shut up, Aaron. What is it? (she asked Nadia, who sighed before explaining about her dream last night) 

Nadia: I dreamt of myself at the Star Fair, all alone, no one was around. I walked around the fair and saw a underground rollercoaster ride that I never seen before-

Aaron: what was it called? (he interrupts)

Nadia: I'm getting to it! Stop interrupting me! (she scowls at Aaron)

Aaron: geez, woman. Chill.. (he said, rolling his eyes)

Clarisse: just please, continue.

Nadia: As I was saying.. (she glares at Aaron when she said "saying") The ride was called Rise and Fall. I went on the ride and it scared the crap out of me

Eric: what did you see? Was it an underground rollercoaster?

Nadia: Yes, it was. And I couldn't see anything, because it was so dark, but when the ride started, the area felt so cold. Like a freezer

Aaron: Did Elsa turn you into an ice cube (he laughed, Nadia jabbed her elbow into Aaron's stomach, hard. He groaned) bitch... 

Nadia: shut up, asshole. Or the next hit will be at your dick (Aaron scowled at Nadia)

Aaron: maybe i'll shut my emotions and kill you first (he said, coldly. Anger slowly building up)

Clarisse: Aaron, don't... (she had her eyes on Aaron. Aaron glanced at Clarisse for a moment, then glared at the ground, trying to calm himself down. Clarisse frowned)

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