🫣 Tobirama x reader 🫣

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A/N: Okay guys I'm writing this from my browser on my phone so it might be a bit messy lol but i genuinely hope you enjoy. Also its more of a lime and such they dont get too far im sorry lol, im in the car😅


*sigh* 'another day working alongside my best friend. You'd think that after 14 years I'd be used to his rude amd bossy persona.' Ithought to myself as i entered the hokages office. I was wearing my uaual ninja outfit, assuming he called me in for a mission.

 I was wearing my uaual ninja outfit, assuming he called me in for a mission

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*knock knock knock* i awaited an answer. "Come in, Y/N." His deep voice beckoned out. Opening the door, Tobirama was sitting on his desk dressed casually. A long sleeved black turtleneck, black jeans, and black ninja sandals, typical Tobi. 

Standing by the closed door i bowed a little and locked eyes with him. His red orbs searching through my soul and tugging my heart. "Y-you called for me, Tobirama-kun?" 'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?' i internally screamed at myself.

I straightened up and looked at the ground. His shoes came into veiw and i looked up at him, his face mere inches from mine. I was sure my face was as red as the marks of his face. Tobirama reached a hand out and locked his office door, then wrapped his arm around my waist looking down at me.


Y/n was so cute when she was blushing, i liked to tease her about it often. Though it merely sounded like playful banter, i genuinely thought she was cute. I've growen up with her and knowen her for a long time.

I watched as she matured, became a great kunoichi, as her body changed, her features, her personality. Her hair used to be short and some shade of (h/c) now its long and shiny, her bright glistening (e/c) eyes stare into mine, filled with curiosity and a longing.

A longing that i know all too well.

For years i've developed feelings twords the girl, and never once had i thought she could return those feelings. But she does. I saw the way she looked at me - how she reacted at the slightet touch or glance. Her (s/c) would glow a bright shade of red whenever we held eye contact longer than a few measly seconds.

Looking down at the young woman in my arms i wanted nothing more than to take her right there. Leaning down, i kissed her softly and tenderly. I po6red all the feelings i have for her into this one kiss and without hesatance, she kissed me back.

Y/n's soft pink lips crashed with mine in a never ending embrace. I loved her, every ounce of her and her being and i wanted.....no NEEDED her to know that.

*~Y/N'S POV~*

Him being a usually agressive person, his kiss was surprisingly soft and gentle.  Its like he was holding back, refraining from hurting me, but thats not what i was worried about. As a matter of fact, my worries seemed to evaporate into this one kiss.

Without a second thought i wrapped my arms around Tobirama's neck and kissed back with as much emotion as i could. His arms around my waist tightened and he licked my bottom lip, asking for permission. I was reluctant but gave it to him, who knows what he would do to get it.

He deepened the kiss as his tongue roamed around my mouth, leaving nothing untouched. Tobirama placed his hands under my thighs as i jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso, my skirt going up a bit to reveal my lace (f/c) underwear. I could feel him smirk against my lips and then break away for air.

We made out way over to his desk with his forehead on mine. He set me down and swiped all the paperwork onto the floor beside the desk. Then he backed up, taking a moment to look at me. My skirt was up slightly and my cloths got slightly ruffled, my long (h/c) was a bit of a mess causing me to blush in embarrassment. 

He chuckles a bit as he lifts his shirt over his head and drops it somewhere on the ground. I kick off my sandals as he does the same. In one swift movement, he's picked me up again and im pinned against the left wall of his office. We kiss again, this time its full of lust, full of the need to touch each other, to feel skin on skin contact.

Suddenly theres a kock on the door and a voice can be heard from the other end. "Hokage-sama, it Hiruzen. Are you alright in there? I heard a loud thud." I blushed and quickly hid my face in the crook of Tobirama's neck. "Oh god they heard us?" I whisper.

Tobirama chuckles and sets me down on my feet, "I'm fine Hiruzen, thank you." A laugh is heard on the other side. Its a bit darker and sounds like...Madara. uh oh. "You shouldn't be doing those kinds of things in a public work space, you fool."

By now we're dressed and im helping Tobirama pick up his papers. "You don't know what i was doing you damn uchiha." Tobirama scowls at the floor as he speaks. Madara jiggles the door knob and chuckles lowly. "You're right. But i can onlt assume since Y/n was last seen entering and has yet to exit. Not to meantion the noises and locked door. Get a bedroom you two."

I giggle to myself and look at the annoyed expression on Tobirama's handsome face. He lets out a frustrated sigh and stands up to unlock the door. Madara enters and looks down at my petite figure as i gather papers. He smirks triumphly, "as i suspected. Hello the y/n."

I blush and set the stack of papers in the desk, "h-hello Madara-kun." I say and walk over to where Tobirama stands. He wraps an arm around my wait and kisses the top of my head and mumbles, "go home love, i'll stop by later."

So with that and gave him a kiss and left, thats the begging of out new relationship. 

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