Moving In

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When we finally got to the school parking lot, I didn't want to get out of the car. "Come on May. Stop being such a wimp and get out of the car right now." he said. "Fine but only if you do one thing." I said shyly. "What is it?" he asked me. "Don't say my name." I said completly serious. "Deal." he said taking my hand and shaking it. When I walked out of the car the parking lot became completely quiet and I felt everyone's stares on me. Then after five seconds of staring, I started to hear the whispers.

"Who's the new hot chick?" from the boys and "She must be a model." from the girls. I felt all their stares on me as I was walking to my first class which was history. Once I got to history I sat down on my desk. As soon as I did, the whole class gasped. "You can't sit there." Kaith, one of the cheerleaders, said to me. "And why is that?" I asked her. "Because we set a prank on that chair." Kaith said to me. "I'll sit where I want. Prank or no prank." I said pulling out my history notebook. After that everybody started talking again. "Everybody quiet." Mrs. Keith, the history teacher, said once she entered the classroom. Usually when teachers say 'quiet' the class gets louder but not with Mrs. Keith. Once she says that, it's so quiet that even humans can hear a pin drop.

"Before we start class I'll be taking attendance." Mrs. Keith said not having to talk loud at all. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. That was all I could think of. Should I lie or should I shock them with my awesomness. Okay I have reached a desicion. I shall shock them with my awesomeness. I think during all this time, she started because I heard the name of the person who sat next to me. "May Jones?" Mrs. Keith called out. "Here." I called out. The whole class went quiet and then erupted into whispers. They were mostly ones like "Did she have plastic surgery?" or "Damn. She looks good."

Mrs. Keith was quiet and she looked as if she was concentrating. "Have you shifted?" she asked me. "Yes. Yes I have." I answered hearing a collective gasp go around the room. "But you smell human." she said to me. "That's what the Alpha said to me." I said to her. "The Alpha visited you?" she asked me. "Yeah. When I woke up in wolf form, he was sitting there with my mom talking about something, but they stopped when I woke up." I told her. "You passed out?" she asked me.I closed my eyes trying to remember. When I did I started speaking. "Yeah. It was really weird because when I shifted, my bones weren't actually rearranging or breaking. They were just getting shocks in them. As if they were getting electrocuted but not as painful or dangerous.More like peaceful." I said opening my eyes. When they were completely open, everyone was staring at me in shock. "What?" I asked. "Nothing" they all said simultaneously. Whatever. I thought to myself. 

All of my morning classes passed by in a breeze. Soon enough it was time for lunch. "Well looky here. If it isn't the bitch."Brittany said looking as if she wanted to kill me. "Look I know you don't like me and I don't like you either so this won't offend you. Why are you such a bitch?" I asked her. She just ignored me and talked to the rest of her friends. The rest of the day went quickly after lunch and soon enough it was time to leave. "Come on sis. We don't have all day." Jordan said impatiently. "Hold your horses Jordan." I said getting into the car. The whole car ride was quiet and it freaked me out a bit. When we pulled into mom's driveway, we got out of the car. "Come on. Let's go get your bags and go to the pack house." After we got my bags we ledt. I always knew that tje pack house was big, but I never knew that it was the size of a mansion. When we entered it was surprisingly quiet. "A pack meeting." Jordan said. I followed him to my room to put my bags down, then went to what I was guessing to be tje meeting room. When we walked into the room it became silent. "Now that everyone's here we can start. Tomorrow the king, queen, and prince will be visiting to check our pack." one of the elders named Sebastian said. I couldn't help but be curious so I rose my hand and waited for them ti call on me before asking. "Why will they be visiting." I asked with a confused face causing everyone else nut the alpha to look at me with a shocked face. "Years ago, the Queen and King had twins. When the twins were about 7, there was a fire and Princess Maeye went missing. They know she is alive because they can feel when a family member dies and they didn't feel it. Every year on the day she went missing, they check different packs to see if they include their daughter and tomorrow is our turn. I want you guys to be on your best behavior. Wear training gear and be on the training grounds at 6 am sharp. Got it." Alpha Colt asked. Everyone nodded their heads yes. Good. Now everyone except for May leave." he said to everyone. "One of your wolves is a battle wolf. Tomorrow you'll be using punching bags instead of running.Be there at 6:30. Okay?" he asked me. "Okay." I said. "You are dismissed." he said. After that I went into my room, rook a shower, then went to sleep.

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