Chapter 14

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In a human laboratory something was being made. Some humans who wanted to use transformers to get what they want managed to get some of Optimus Prime's CNA. They were making a clone of him. Then the clone opened his optic and broke out. "Amazing just like we thought." one of the scientists said.
"Where am I?" the bot asked.
"Welcome to earth," the boss said.
"Yes you are product of our experiment," the scientist said.
"What?" the bot asked.
"Yes and we have much work to do so you can do what you were made for," the scientist said.
The bot was placed through hard tests and he felt degraded he wrecked the lab and escaped. "Never again but who am I and what am I to be exact I am not sure of anything at the moment," the bot said.
Maim saw the bot and decided to take advantage of it. "Hello I am Maim what is your name?" Maim asked.
"I am not sure the humans who created me didn't bother to give me a name," the bot said.
"Well you are Cybertronian like me so that means we are brothers I am a Conquerdriod now you will come with me and I will help you," Maim said with a smile that looked too good to be true.
The bot followed him. Medics did CNA tests on the robot and did a few other things to check. They discovered he was a clone of Optimus prime. "Since you are a clone of our enemy the leader of the Autobots Optimus Prime, we will call you Nemesis prime the better improved version of the original." Maim said.
"I agree to that you will help us defeat our enemies I am Conquortrone leader of the Conquerdriods you already met Maim my second in command and my favorite droid soldier." Conquortrone said. "So Nemesis Prime ready to help me destroy the Decepticons and Autobots?" he asked.
"Yes sir," Nemesis said.
Nemesis started to train and was going to be ready for the fight against the Autobots and Decepticons.
Then the alarm went off at the Autobot and Decepticon base. "Something is going on," Red alert said.
"We better get moving." Optimus said.
They headed out and saw the Conquerdriods causing trouble while looking for a minicon. They started to fight and suddenly Nemesis came up and tackled Optimus and when Optimus saw him he was shocked. "Who are you?" they asked each other.
"I am Optimus Prime," Optimus said.
"I am Nemesis Prime clone of Optimus Prime a better improved version of you," Nemesis said.
"You Droids cloned me?" Optimus said.
"They didn't clone me it was group of humans they treated me a like an experiment and the droids took me in and treat me like I matter," Nemesis said and fought the Autobots and Decepticons hard.
They were pretty beaten bruised when they got back and everyone was shocked about this and they even lost the minicon. "It's like he's got more strength the a herd of stampeding titanium moose bots," Demolisher said.
Red alert and Knockout began to repair them the injuries were pretty bad. "I can't believe some humans would clone Optimus Prime," Noah said.
"But their people who will do anything to get what they want," Diantha said.
"I know their were bots like that and now I can see humans are like that too," Optimus said.
"Yes it appears some of our enemies are not just Conquerdriods some are humans," Megatron said. "They are wolves in sheep's clothing." he said.
"Agreed," Diantha said.
Now many of the bots didn't know what to do now that the Droids now had the powerful Nemesis Prime working for them. They had to figure out something or they will continue to lose battles and things were not going to go well at all.
Nemesis was at the Droid base and looking up to the stars like he does every night believing maybe this is a his purpose although he is unsure. He was wondering if the Conquerdriods really did respect him and value him or not.
The Autobots and Decepticons began having trouble and losing many battles since Maim's clones and Nemesis Prime came on the scene. It was becoming more and more difficult for them to keep up their morale.
Meanwhile the droids were getting big for their britches. Nemesis was wondering many things and hoping he would be able to find out if he was truly valued or if he had a true purpose. He was often seen lost in thought or often being put through intense training or being sent on missions that are more dangerous than the last.
Today was one of those special solo missions. Hot shot was on one too. Nemesis reported in he found Hot shot and was ordered to destroy him. A fight ensued. Hot shot fought hard and managed to defeat Nemesis. Nemesis expected Hot shot to kill him instead he spared him.
"Why did you spare me?" Nemesis asked.
"I spared you because I know it is wrong to finish the helpless," Hot shot said. "I know for a fact the Conquerdroids don't value you or your life Nemesis, once they are done with you they will toss you out with the trash," he said.
"Then why did they take me in might I ask?" Nemesis asked him.
"Mostly because Maim must have seen how angry and alone you must've felt and decided to take it to his advantage," Hot shot said. "After Nemesis you are a Cybertronian clone or not you have a spark and you have mind of your own, those scientists and Conquerdroids have been deciding things for you and what you should want and do, it's time you made your own choices and decide what you want for yourself," he said. "I trust you can do that," he said.
Then Maim and his clones attack. Nemesis was told to stand back Hot shot was getting hurt. Nemesis rushed in and sent the droids packing. "Thank you Nemesis," Hot shot said. "You're hurt so come with me so you can get fixed up." he said.
Nemesis was brought the base and the Autobots and Decepticons brought up their weapons. Hot shot then explained what happened and the weapons were lowered. Once repaired Nemesis was heading out.
"Nemesis where are you going?" Hot shot asked.
"I am going to learn to make my own choices and decide what I want for myself, I don't to be apart of the droids or the humans who created me anymore," Nemesis said. "I am not going to stay either, I will go out there and wander hopefully to find my answers," he said. "I think it's best for now for me to be on my own, but if you all will need me I will come to your aid because now I see I can truly depend on all of you," he said and left.
They watched as Nemesis left. "Do you think he will come back?" Lisa asked.
"Maybe someday he will Lisa," Hot shot said watching Nemesis drive off. "I have a feeling he just might," he said.

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