Chapter 15

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Many things have gone missing lately. "Many things have gone missing from around the world, some of the things are animals and some are machines what is going and happening?" a news reporter said over the news.
At a large Mansion estate a man named lord Chumley was proudly looking at his special video show and collection. "My collection is wonderful, and the people are enjoying my online video shows and paying big money for it, now to make my collection very special and get ratings through the roof I need to hunt Optimus Prime and Megatron the leaders of the Autobots and Decepticons," Lord Chumley said and went right to work.
Optimus and Megatron were out to get some peace and relaxation after all even leaders need a break sometimes.
"It feels good to get sometime off," Optimus said.
"Yes I agree with you Optimus we have been so overloaded with Conquerdriods and finding all those relics and other items we haven't had much of a chance for a break," Megatron said.
"Yes I feel good give our soldiers and us the day off, I bet they are all enjoying some leisure too," Optimus said.
Then there was a sound. "I thought I heard something," Megatron said.
"Yes I heard it too," Optimus admitted. "But what was it?" he asked.
"I don't know to be honest," Megatron said.
When suddenly both of them felt something sharp.
"Ouch it felt like something stung me," Optimus said.
"Me too," Megatron said and the darts fell of them.
Then they continued on their way when suddenly every thing started to spin and they collapsed. They were wonder what was going on and then everything went black.
The next thing they knew they woke up and discover they had been tied up.
"What is going on?" Megatron asked.
"I have no idea," Optimus said. "But I have a feeling we are about to find out." he said.
"I think so too," Megatron said.
"Ah Megatron and Optimus Prime welcome to my island I am lord Chumley and we are going to have a hunting game I know my followers will love this so, if you survive you are free to go home and I won't ever bother you or the other transformers again, but if you lose you both will be on display to the world as part of my trophy room," Lord Chumley said appearing on screen.
"You are more twisted than Macadam's Fuel twister special." Megatron said.
"I'll say," Optimus said.
Then the bonds came of then a door opened. "Let it begin," Lord Chumley said. "Here is the path you must follow, good luck," he said laughing.
Optimus and Megatron headed out. They started on their way to go through this hunt for entertainment of others. They suddenly came across a large creature who attacked them and they were forced to fight it. "Quiet creature that one isn't? I have scientist friend who works with genetics and said he was a wonderful fighter and sold him to me cheap. He will be your worse nightmare," Lord Chumley said.
Optimus and Megatron were fighting the creature and managed to get bumps, scratches and dents. Then they managed to toss the creature into a chasm where it struggled to get out. "He won't be able to climb up because the sides of that chasm are too weak," Megatron said. "Now let's get moving," he said.
They headed deeper into the woods and continued on the path. They came across a ruin like area. They started to walk through when an axe started swinging back and forth and things started firing from the walls and fire was shooting up from the floor. "Now see if you can make through this prey." Lord Chumley said.
Optimus and Megatron started moving and avoiding everything. Megatron tripped and almost got sliced by the axe and Optimus managed to pull him across in time.
"Lord Chumley you are seriously one who can get on anyone's bad side," Optimus said.
Meanwhile at the Autobot and Decepticon base they were wondering why Optimus and Megatron have come back. "Where are they it's not like either of them to be late,"Red alert said.
"Yes something must be wrong," Chainsaw said.
Then who should appear but Cheetor he saw what happened to Optimus and Megatron and knew he had to tell them. He told them what happened. "Optimus and Megatron had been capture but by who?" Jetfire asked.
"I found name on here it say Chumley on it," Cheetor said.
"I am doing a search on it now," Side swipe said. "I found him Lord Chumley he's a big game hunter, games man and video poster with a wide range of viewers and paid videos," he said. "He lives on this island." he said. "I found his channel and he does it many people and steals animals and other things like machines for his hunt shows for online," he said. "I see he's live streaming now and apparently the ones who is being hunted for his entertainment channel are Optimus and Megatron," he said.
Everyone was worrying and panicking except Hot shot who whistled and got their attention and they looked at him.
"We need to help them now," Hot shot said. "Side swipe see if you can find the area of where the island is, fliers fly around the area once it found to find the island, Red alert and Knockout see if you can locate Optimus' and Megatron's signals on the island so we can get them home, and Ratchet and other medics prepare the medical bay they might come back hurt." he said. "Once we find them Demolisher, Brawl, Blurr, Scavenger and Chainsaw we are going to save them." he said.
The others were surprised how quickly Hot shot took to charge while everyone else was freaking out first.
"That was good what you did there," Scavenger said.
"Huh?" Hot shot said.
"Hot shot you took charge when we were panicking and now we better find them," Scavenger said.
They all got work.
Optimus Megatron went through one danger after the other while their team was trying locate them.
"I found the area of the island," Side swipe said. "It's in this general area right here," he said pointing.
The fliers except Cylconus headed out. They started searching for the island. While Optimus and Megatron were facing off against robotic sharks and crocodiles and fighting hard.
Then Starscream saw the island. "I see the island, I am sending the coordinates." Starscream said and sent them in.
"Good we found the island, now let's try to locate Optimus and Megatron's signals." Hot shot said.
Optimus and Megatron were heading up to Lord Chumley's estate. Optimus was pretty steamed. When suddenly the others appeared. "Optimus Prime and Megatron are you two alright?" Demolisher asked.
"A few dents and scratches here and there but we will be fine," Megatron said.
"Now we have some unfinished business to take care of," Optimus said.
They went inside the estate and Optimus approached him. "You have any idea what you put us through, for you stupid internet show for you to entertain others and get something else you want out of it, I have never been more outraged," Optimus said he was about to lose control.
"Optimus calm down," Megatron said grabbing his arm and turning him around.
"I am feeling degraded and humiliated about him using us for others entertainment and so can get something out of it." Optimus said. "You have no idea how that feels!" he shouted.
"I do know how it feels," Megatron said. "I was once forced into being a gladiator for the pits of Kaon and forced to fight for entertainment of others, so I understand so please try to be in control," he said.
"Your right," Optimus said. "Lord Chumley if you ever do this again I will personally turn you into the authorities!" he snapped.
Lord Chumley mutely nodded and quivered.
Then they headed home.
Jetfire told the personally how Hot shot took charge when everyone went into a panic and helped find them and bring them back.
"Hot shot I am very proud of how you handle this, you are becoming a fine leader and doing well," Optimus said. "You are becoming a great leader and will serve Velocitron well and be the leader they deserve." He said.
Things were going to continue to change even if years go by things will continue to change up and down. Because that is how life is.
To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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