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↠After class↞
                        Y/n pov

Mr. Clarke, Dust's AV club teacher, was stood over a huge motherboard with antennas and millions of buttons.

"She's a beaut isn't she" Mr. Clarke smiled at us. I'd practically joined the club because I stayed after almost every day to help the group.

"I bet we can reach New York with this!" Mike said excitedly

"Think bigger" Mr. Clarke replied

"California?" Dustin suggested and he shook his head

"South America?" Lucas asked

"Bigger" Mr. Clarke laughed

"Australia?" I suggested in astonishment

"Ding ding ding!" He said as Mike and Dustin fought for the headset, Mike won.

"Ello Mate!" Mike said on a terrible Australian accent "I'm Mike Wheeler, president of A.V club"

"I'm Dustin Henderson, the treasurer of Hawkins A.V club, do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?!" Dustin said in an even worse Australian accent

"I'm Y/n L/n, Secretary of Hawkins A.V club, and I know you don't eat kangaroos for breakfast" I laughed at Dustin

"I'm Lucas Sinclair, and I'm here because my friends are nerds" Lucas sighed

"Hey!" We all laughed in unison.

"And I am Scott Clarke, supervisor of Hawkins A.V club, and I'm sorry you had to endure that" Mr. Clair laughed to himself.

"Mr. Clarke, can we have the students in your room, including Miss L/n" the overcome said staticky. I was extremely confused because if never been a student at Hawkins Middle School, I moved in freshmen year but I followed the boys never the less.

"See you Mr. Clarke" I smiled at him as we walked out. "What do you think happened?"

"Do you think it has to do with Will?" Lucas asked

"Maybe" I said "we'll find out I guess"

"Aw welcome" The Vice principal said

"If this has to do with Troy and Justin-" I started but I was interrupted by Hopper. "Oh shit"

"Language Miss L/n" the VP scowled

"S-sorry" I smiled sheepishly. My parents had Hopper check in with the school every month, just in case I get into any fights. "Hey Hop" I sat down on the floral couch and the guys followed. "They didn't have to do anything with the fight I promise-"

"You got in a fight?!" Hopper shook his head "that's not what I'm here for"

"Oh" I said "you heard nothing"

"No your not getting out of this that easy what did you do?" Hopper sighed

"It was just Troy" I complained "no one likes him"

"It's true" Lucas backed me up.

"Whatever" Hopper rubbed his temples "This is about your friend"

"And then we just biked home" I said

"And he technically rolled an eleven but that doesn't count" Dustin said over me but that's all I could make out over the four of us.

"ONE AT A DAMN TIME!" Hopper yelled "you!" He pointed at Mike.

"He takes Mirkwood" Mike sighed

"Mirkwood? That sounds fake" Hopper replied

"It's from Lord of the Rings" Lucas injected

"The Hobbit" Dustin corrected

"Does it matter" Lucas asked

"He asked" Dustin complained

"He asked" Lucas mocked

"One at a time" hopper sighed as they kept bickering

"SHUT IT" I yelled making them shut up at once. "The corner of Cornwallis and Kerley"

"I'm familiar" Hopper said slightly surprised at my authority over the group.

"We can show you" Mike said

"I said I'm familiar" Hopper replied

"But we can show you the back ways and-" Mike said but Hopper cut in

"I said NO" Hopper said sternly "no searching no biking around, you four are to go home and stay there unless your at school do you understand, or I swear"

"What are you gonna do ground me?" I asked. Hopper had grown to be almost a father figure in Hawkins so I felt really comfortable saying thing I'd normally not say to cops.

"I will send you back to California" Hopper replied

"You wouldn't dare" I said a bit nervous on the inside but I want about to show it.

"Try me kid" Hopper glared "you are dismissed"

"But-" I started

"You are dismissed" Hopper restated "and if I see any of you out there will be hell to pay, do you understand"

"Yes sir" I muttered before we left.

Time skip 5:45

Ring ring ring

"Hello this is the Henderson household" I sighed

"Y/n?" Hopper asked "I need to speak to your Aunt"

"One second" I said coving the speaker "Claudia, Hop's on the line!!"

"Ok deary"she said "hello? Yes. Oh ok. Yeah ok. Bye"

"What did he need?" I asked

"He was just making sure I knew not to let you leave the house" she sighed

"Ughhhh" I groaned "why does he such a stick up his ass"

"Y/n!" She hissed

  "Sorry" I walked up to my room

"Y/n do you copy? Over" Dustin's voice blared over the walkie

"Yes over" I said as I threw my shoes on.

"Are you coming, over" he replied

"Yes, but if your mom asks I was home all night" I replied

"What do we say when we're done?" He asked

"Over" I mocked him "are you there over?"

"No wait for me" Dustin said as I heard Claudia call something "just homework mom, ok I'll see you when you get back. Sorry, over"

"No problem Dusty" I smirked "over and out" I snuck out of my window, climbing down the thick vines that grew up the wall. We lived the furthest from Will so Dust insisted we leave ever so early. I'd changed from my school clothes into something a bit more casual. Just an oversized AC/DC T-shirt, worn jeans and my hair was in a ponytail.

"BEEP BEEP!!" I yelled up to Lucas' open window.

"Coming!" He yelled down before emerging from the garage with his bike.

I grinned "come on I bet Mike a quarter that I'd get there first" We raced down the roads to Mirkwood and when I didn't see any bikes I did a victory dance. "I win I win" I chanted as Mike peddled up the way.

"Bullshit" Mike complained

"Hand it over" I said doing little grabby hands while he dug thru his pockets.

"Are you coming" Lucas yelled from down the backroads.

"AHA!!" Mike exclaimed

"Got here together" I grinned

"That wasn't the bet was it?" Lucas smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

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