Oh Hell No...

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As Merlin took in the figure standing outside his door...his smile turned blank.


Arthur paused at the front door to a humble wooden cottage in what appeared to be the only forest left in the lands he once called home, stunned at the blatant rejection that came his way from his long time friend.

Whom he should add was in what was perhaps the most ridiculously garments he's ever seen in all of Albion. A brown shirt that appeared to be of a different material than Merlin ever wore in Camelot, or Arthur for that matter. Blue trousers that appeared rather ripped in some parts to the knees. And black shoes with an abundance of laces. No neckerchief to be seen at all.

And how did Merlin even get a home of his own? And so far from Camelot at that? None of this makes sense to him at all!

"Merlin please I don't know why I'm here I just know that it relates to you somehow."

Merlin's gaze however seemed distant as if he wasn't even in the same plane of existence as Arthur.

"Merlin?" Arthur placed a hand on his shoulder.

Merlin flinched, blasting Arthur back 20 meters toward a tree with the force of his golden eyes.

"No no no no no no no..." Merlin continues to mutter beneath his breath looking as if he would collapse at any moment.

Arthur meanwhile groaned as he got back to his feet. Merlin just attacked him with magic...is he evil after all? NO! He shook his head of those thoughts as he banished his father's words from his mind.

If Merlin were evil, he had more than enough time to actually kill him or destroy Camelot in all the years he's been there. Merlin is his friend; he should work hard to keep an open mind.

"Merlin" Arthur kept his hands where Merlin could see them, well if Merlin would actually gaze up at him. "I'm sorry but please I need your help, I don't know why I'm alive again but I do know that that magic lady from the lake said that my destiny was intwined with yours."

Merlin finally looked Arthur in the eye, with a face so stoic and cold that Arthur had to hold back a flinch of his own as he only saw that look once before from his friend right before he died as he stabbed Morgana with his sword.

"Destiny you say!" Merlin spat as a glare began to form.

Arthur than looked on as Merlin reached into the pocket of his odd looking trousers and pulled out a small rectangular looking metal box.

"You stay right there"


"I said stay there!"

"...Alright...alright I will"

Arthur saw as Merlin kept pressing his finger into the box. Why? He didn't know. But than Merlin began speaking to it, Arthur began to wonder if his former manservant had gone mad and then he tried to listen carefully to what Merlin was saying.

"...need you" "...please" "...can't do this"

Arthur wondered if this was some magical hocus pocus, perhaps Merlin was communicating with another sorcerer? If so than who? Did they also live in Camelot without his knowledge? Arthur's thoughts halted when he heard Merlin shout.


Arthur was now very curious as to who "he" could be but if Merlin was stressed before just seeing Arthur, he now seems ready to cause a hurricane just by his hyperventilation alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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