13 | Shape of My Heart (Bea)

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Another three days pass, and I realize I quite enjoy the stay at Lu's home.

My bedroom is a haven of comfort and warmth in contrast with the mid-January cold outside. A skylight window allows soft rays of sunlight to filter in every morning, casting a gentle glow throughout the room.

The cozy bed, adorned with llama plushies and a soft duvet, invites me to sink in and relax. The surprising scent of fresh flowers drifts in from the garden, filling the air with a delicate fragrance. The walls are painted in soothing pastel banana yellow tones, creating a tranquil ambiance. A small desk by the window provides a perfect spot for me to write or sketch, surrounded by inspiration. It's a space that instantly makes me feel good, comfy, and welcome.

As I settle into the room, a sense of peace washes over me, knowing that I am safe and protected here. I find solace in the quiet moments, gazing up at the stars through the skylight, feeling grateful for the kindness and generosity of Lu and her home. It feels more like home than all the costly mansions I lived in so far.

Koshka has been coming over every day, running me ragged with our training we do in the back garden. From all her poking and prodding, so far the only thing I've managed to do is to shape-change into the mountain lion and back into this weird Cat Woman form as Z called it.

I can't fully become human. Not yet.

Also, I can't remember the last time I woke up before noon, but I don't actually sleep very well. My stupid brain keeps replaying last days over and over—like the movie theater previews before the film. I see Ross every time I close my eyes, standing between me and his brother. It took me all I got not to harm either of them.

That cannot happen again. 

Not now when he even found me this refuge. Amparo knows she can't come here and visit me, not until I say otherwise. We've risked too much. Ross has risked too much. His way of life, his relationship with his brother.

And for what? What does he see in me?

I'm not a heroine in a rom-com, and guys like that don't fall for girls like me. Besides, he's so infuriatingly cute and shy. I sort of want to smother him between my thighs,  and not in the sexy way. Like literally smother him.

A rumble in my stomach reminds me I really need to get some food in me.

Ever since I've been training, hoping to be able to master this before my birthday, I've been eating three or four times more than before.

I tiptoe downstairs to the kitchen, hoping to grab something from the fridge, when a cheerful voice sing-songs: "Come in!" 

It's Lu, and she waves me inside, pointing to a plate of mouth-watering pasta.

"Oh, Lu. I thought you were at school. Thank you. I was just going to get a quick snack. You don't have to feed me—"

"Skiving off today so Ross can go. We're taking turns. And I know, I don't have to feed you, but you've been doing such a good job working on your shape changing, girl! And that needs a lot of calorie intake. Plus, I always make too much."

"Well, if you put it that way—I can eat my weight in ravioli. Also, thanks. You know, for help."

"I'm gonna make some more food. Something new and cool. Love experimenting in the kitchen." She beams at me.

I admire her so much. She is always smiley, optimistic and looks for the best in others. It's a rare trait.

I sit and shove ravioli into my mouth. "Koshka is really being hard on me."

"Kickass training for the win!" Lu yells, plopping on the chair next to me.

"She says that in some months, I might be ready to meet the other..."

Once Upon a You | A Beauty and the Beast Retelling ✔️Where stories live. Discover now