Dreams can be forewarning

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Look Jimin a few hugs that's all it was, it's not like either of us thought it would go anywhere, you just like to flirt with anyone and I responded,hell you probably just found comfort like I did, after the military it will be different we will be different, no more being treated as kids, free to hug , kiss or fuck anyone we want.so let's not do anything out of loneliness Eh ?it's not like we are a couple, hell Tae hangs out with me too and I've hugged him like a brother as well,so let's admit we were never likely to be a couple just friends, I'm sorry I had to bring this up but you've been too clingy and Tae noticed said you don't know when to stop flirting, so it stops now ok everything stops now.

Jimin sat up eyes opening sweat pouring off him, why had he been dreaming about that? The last night before military Jungkook had spoken to him, the night he'd had his burgeoning love thrown back at him.
When he'd got up the next day, Jungkook had already left for his barracks, Jin and Namjoon the day before, Hobi a week before Suga had been gone for three weeks already, Tae and Jimin the last, Both would left later. Tae had been in the kitchen and stared at Jimin. "Well soon be time," the other mumbled.
"Why did you tell Jungkook I don't stop flirting?"
"What......,we'll sorry but he was cringing how you clung onto him, he was embarrassed."
"I didn't cling? We just hung out...,"
"Oh come on, you always got in the way it was embarrassing to us both,"
"You didn't really think he'd fall for you when he had me?"
"You two......?"
"Of course, he was just being kind to you,your lucky I'm not the jealous type,but he assured me he only thought of you as a friend not his type at all. Anyway I'm outta here,"
He'd walked out of the dorm leaving a stunned Jimin standing there.
After the military things had changed, six months had worn on and the boys decided they would go their own way for that time be themselves.They kept in touch but it wasn't the same.
Jimin had an awful time of it , lonely and self esteem at an all time low. He second guessed peoples interaction with him and became very conscious not to appear needy to anyone.
Present time
Jimin got out of his bed and went to his kitchen to get some juice, pushing the patio doors of his home open he sat outside in the early morning sun.
He supposed he'd become a bit of a hermit, he loved his one level home it wasn't pretentious even though it was in an area of many celebrities, he'd bought it while in the army, putting agencies on alert for the type of home he wanted. Not too large, two en suite bedrooms open plan kitchen dining area a garden and a garage.a large office come studio room.
When he'd been sent details of it he'd known straight away its what he wanted so bought it got it decorated in pastel shades and furnished it. When he came out of the military it was his bolt hole, his escape from the real world.
He sat for a while then his phone buzzed, he frowned and picked it up,
"Jimin it's me Hobi, I know it's silly to think you'll forget but you will be there won't you?"
Jimins brain scurried looking for an answer,
"What time?" He asked still trying to remember .
"You know as it's the first time after six months the manager wants us in at eight thirty, I knew you wouldn't have forgotten it's just well you've been of the radar a bit, see you later"
Jimin clicked his phone off confusion on his face.
Clicking on his calendar on his phone he saw nothing written there then doubt set in clicking on the same date but a month ahead he found the date circled' return to work'. No , no stupid Jimin you put it on the wrong month, he flicked onto old emails from the company and there it was, the agreed date to return....., today!! He knew his mind must have remembered it hence the dream but his stupid brain had noted the wrong month, hence no reminders pinging up.
His dream had been warning him, he was going to have to act normal and socialise with the male he couldn't get out of his head, the one who was already in a relationship with Tae. Tae who he had thought was his friend but who had seemed to take joy in telling Jimin how ridiculous he was.
Jimin looked at the time 6.45, shit he needed to try and make himself look presentable , his hair he'd just let grow since the military, clothes well he'd wear jeans and T shirt he had nothing new , not like his old self who loved being a clothes horse, now he was more conscious of trying to be inconspicuous.
He rushed through a shower coming his long dark untidy hair,maybe he could ask a stylist at the managers building to do something for him? He put on jeans that seemed a little looser than before and a white v neck t shirt ,had he lost weight his collarbones jutted out? Well he admitted to himself mealtimes were a bit hit and miss so shrugging his shoulders he grabbed his car keys and wallet and went to his garage climbing into a simple black keep and driving the forty minute drive to his destination.
"Hey, guys great to see you," Hobi smiled at Jungkook and RM who were busy chatting about what they had been up to.
"Hobi hey, loved your album!" Jungkook said sincerely.
"Thanks but it felt weird without you guys, Kook those songs you sent me god we are gonna have a great album!"
"RM and Suga have been writing too, we can all get together with the manager to see what vibe he wants."
"Where's the others?"
"Jin and Suga were hungry the manager said he would go with them to the canteen. Tae and Jimin are not here yet."
"I spoke to Jimin this morning in case he forgot, he's not been around much, at least I've seen you guys over the last few months but Jimin......"
"I'm sure he's fine. You know him a social butterfly always flirting around." Jungkook said slightly frowning remembering how Tae had warned him not to get too close to the other as his reputation was getting tarnished.
"That's a bit harsh Kook? Jimin is quite an introvert when he's not around us ,his flirty nature as you call it was only with us because he felt safe with us?"RM frowned.
"But Tae.....,"
"You called, I'm here in the flesh, did you all miss me?"
"Actually we were talking about Jimin,"
"Oh er why....," Tae said a bit nervously.
"Well you know what you told me about him?" Jungkook asked.
"Told you?what?"
At that moment Jimin slipped into the room stopping when faces swung around.
He nervously started twisting his fingers.
"Jimin!!!" Hobi shrieked running to the small boy and picking him up far too easily and swinging him around.
"H-Hobi," Jimin gasped feeling dizzy.
Hobi put him down then actually stared at him, his face turning worried.
"Hell Jimin, what are you doing to yourself your so skinny!"
Jimin blushed," no I'm the same you've just forgotten " he mumbled taking an empty seat and nodding to the others looking down afterwards.
Jungkook frowned staring at the smaller male. He looked....., diminished is the word that came to mind, none of the cheerfulness and brightness he always carried with him. His collarbone stuck out and Jungkook wondered at the flutter he felt seeing the others exposed skin, his hair was long in need of a cut, not the immaculate Jimin of old.
Jungkook suddenly became aware Tae was speaking to him.
"Kookie how you been,I haven't seen you in a couple of months?"
Jungkook saw the look of surprise on Jimins face when he heard this.
"Yer well we were all busy."
Jimin leaned to Hobi," are Tae and Kookie not together?"
The door opened as Hobi burst out laughing.
"What's the joke ?" Suga asked.
"It's hilarious, Jiminee thought Tae and Jungkook were an item!!"
Jungkook looked totally surprised while Tae looked like a deer caught in the headlights. The astute Suga saw this.
"Why did you think that Jimin?"
Jimins eyes flashed to Tae which wasn't missed by some of the others then," oh , sorry I must have heard it wrong somewhere sorry." Jimin seemed to shrink back in his chair.
"Snacks everyone!" Jin yelled.
The handsome male dropped them on the table the manager shaking his head laughing.
"I've missed you guys," he said laughing as all but Jimin grabbed and argued over what snack they wanted.
Once they had settled the manager told them he wanted them to start training getting fit and prepare songs for an album.
"I know you all have your own places, but I wondered if it may be a good idea to maybe stay at a new apartment we own during the week so you can rekindle that spark that makes you a group?"
Everyone but Jimin seemed pleased with that idea, for Jimin it was hard after being so hermit like for six months.
"Jimin you ok with that," jungkook asked seeing the small male turn pale.
"I'm, er, it's ....., it's fine ," he whispered.
"Ok then, I'll send the address to your phones, if you want to collect your stuff and then go there the passcode to get in the garage and dorm will be in the message, tomorrow here eight am!"
They made their way out going to the lift cramming in as others were there .jimin stepped back letting the doors shut and made his way down the stairs.
Jungkook frowned," Tae why did you tell me Jimin was getting a reputation because he was flirting around?"
"Me? No you must have misheard," Tae was aware the others were listening.
"No you definitely said it."
"No I must have said, jimin would get a reputation if he flirted outside the group like he did in it?"
Jungkook knew he was right he hadn't misheard.
"I wonder who told Jimin you two were an item?" Suga said looking at Tae sharply.
The doors opened and the group got out,Tae trying to walk off until Hobi stopped him.
Cornered the other male said," it was for your own good Kookie, I told him...., I told him we were together,"
"For my own good?"
"Couldn't you see, he always hung around you, I didn't want people to get the wrong idea,"
"Why should they get the wrong idea, we are friends,"
A small voice came from behind them,
"Because Tae knew I was gay and told me I was pathetic to hang around you, I had a crush on you but it's ok, I sure learned how people thought of me, none of you have to worry it's not contagious and I won't bother you, just do my job."
With that he shakily got into his car driving off leaving the rest feeling dismayed and guilty.

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