Taking ownership

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Jimin backed away until his legs hit the bed and he fell backwards. Jungkook soon had him pinned down.
"You've been flaunting this body all night in this get up," Jungkook said undoing the button.
"T-Tae chose it I was going to wear T shirt and jeans..."
"You let another man put his hands on you."
""He...he might have wanted me as a boyfriend , not everyone is like you!"
"Oh no, your mine Jimin I'm not letting anyone else have you"
"That's not fair you can do what you want but I have to be exclusive to you?"
"We will be exclusive to each other, I don't want anyone else."
Jimin looked in shock at the other," w-what?"
"I want to be your boyfriend ,"
Jimin was stunned his brain was turning over what the other had said when he felt skilful lips kissing and sucking on his collarbone making him moan as he was sensitive there.
"Hmmm?" A bewildered Jimin asked.
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
With that Jungkook started a full on assault of Jimins body, taking his shirt off then pulling the tight leather trousers down along with his boxers.
He stood up taking the rest of his clothes off an Jimin could see how hard he already was. He reached into a bedside drawer pulling a tube of lube out then putting it aside he started Kissing the small male biting his ear gently then sucking on his chest,
"I'm gonna mark you so you don't forget who's boyfriend you are!" He sucked his way down his chest as Jimin moaned in pleasure.
"Someone's ready for me," jungkook said pumping Jimins member.
Jungkook put lube on his fingers sliding them in like before, Jimins moans accompanying his thrust down on the others fingers. Jungkook pulled his fingers out much to the others dismay.
"Get on all fours," Jungkook demanded.
Jimin did so, jungkook lubed his dick up and pushed deep in one go gripping Jimins hips.
"Ah Kookie!"
"Who do you belong to?" Jungkook asked thrusting back and forth.
"Mmm you Kookie,"
At that Jungkook angled himself so he could hit Jimins hidden spot. Moan after moan came from the small boy as Jungkook pounded into him.
"Kookie I'm, im gonna cuM,"
Jungkook reached around to pump Jimin feeling him as he came hard," aaaaah Kookie!!"
"That's it baby, "he thrust hard into the other as Jimins tight hole gripped him ." Oh fugushit" Jungkook burst out incoherently as he came hard inside the other.
Both flopped to the bed Jimin laying  on a sticky patch," eugh, I'm all sticky"
"We can be sticky together." Jungkook laughed.
"I need a shower," Jimin raised his arms up making grabby hands. Laughing Jungkook carried him to the shower where they took their time washing each other.
Coming out Jungkook said he would get clean bedding. Jimin stopped him, " do it tomorrow we can use my bed tonight. Giggling like naughty schoolboys they unlocked the door then ran to Jimins room or in Jimins case a slow shuffle.. they locked the door then slid into bed Kissing and cuddling.
"I didn't know you were the jealous type "Jimin said cuddling against Jungkook.
"Neither did I, but when it comes to you I want to punch everyone that touches you!"
"Ah my sweet domineering boyfriend," Jimin laughed.
"Yer and don't you forget it!" Jungkook said.
The pair dozed off not hearing the others come in quietly.
"Alls quiet," RM said.
"They've probably fucked each other stupid."
"Suga, really,"
"What I'm only saying what your all thinking, I'm off to bed, night"
Morning came around quickly the lovers were huddled together deep in sleep.
A loud banging came on the door," get up lovebirds we have a meeting in forty minutes."
"Sleepy" mumbled Jimin
"Lovebirds?" Jungkook said shooting up.
Jimin sat up too," they know !" He whispered
"Shit!"Jungkook got out of bed quickly , leaving the small male staring at him worriedly.
"They were bound to have found out Kookie?"
"No we could have kept it secret, it wouldn't have been a shock when this fling stops! '"
Jimin felt a deep hurt inside him," Fling?"
Jungkook realised what he'd said and stopped in his tracks," Jimin I....."
"So all that last night was a lie? I'm yours, be my boyfriend?"
"Don't get all ansty, look this is all new to me too, who knows how long it will last, nobody can predict the future......"
"Get out...."
"Get out now!!!" The small male screamed.
Jungkook looked at the broken face of the other, he didn't want to hurt him, but he just didn't know.....
"Jimin I...."
"Your a damn coward Jungkook, I always thought it was me but your too scared to commit to anyone."
Jungkooks fists clenched and he opened the door to a sea of faces walking past them and going into his room.
"Jimin....?" RM spoke out.
"I'll be ready in a minute ok..., please don't ask"
RM nodded and closed the door,
"What the hell did that idiot do now?" Suga exploded.
Jimin came out dressed in sweats an oversized hoodie and a pale face.
"Can I come in your car Jin?"
"Sure you can come on,"
The pair walked out the others followingTae waiting for Jungkook who came out stonyfaced.
"So what did you do to Jimin asshole?"
"Why did you think I've done anything?" The other said gruffly.
"Because Suga and I finally got you two together and today you stormed out of his room"
"So that makes it my fault?"
"Yes, Jimins always liked and wanted you, you knew this before and pursued it now so what went wrong?"
"He....., got annoyed when I said I wanted to keep this a secret so it didn't shock any of you when it blew itself out,"
"You what!!! Are you really that dumb!!!"we all knew you two liked each other seems only Jimin was ready to step up and say so, how could you do you really not like him that much?"
"Of course I like him but I'm a realist things change!" He said sounding affronted.
"No...., your a coward who is scared of commitment, maybe he is better off without you!" Tae strode out to their waiting car getting in not speaking another word.
Jungkook was pissed, twice today he'd been called a coward!!! They couldn't know why didn't they see it could happen? He felt confused and pictures of zjimins sad face kept appearing in his head.
Getting out the other end he let Tae go on so he could make a phone call.
"Hi mum,"
"How are you dear?"
"Mum when you got with dad how did you know he was the one, weren't you scared you would miss out on someone better?"
His mother laughed," Jungkook I knew because I hated seeing other girls around him, I made sure he was mine as soon as I could. "
"But what if , what if maybe someone else had come along wouldn't you have felt like you missed out?"
"No Kookie, questions you should ask are, can I live without him, how do I feel when he's with some one else, will my life be better with him in or out of it, Kookie have you found someone?"
Mum I think I messed up, I told someone special it was just a fling, he told me I'm a coward."
"Jeon Jungkook we didn't bring you up to be stupid!! We told you a long time ago we didn't mind what your sexuality was we still loved you, personally I always wish you could have hooked up with that nice Jimin in your group you always got on so well together,"
"Mum how can I fix it?"
"Well honey, as he says stop being a coward, bye bye"
Jungkook clicked his phone off and went into the room the others were gathered. Jimin didn't look at him once.
"So I have a list of songs here, we will put them through to the agency, but hey Jimin I love this one'Lie' Suga said.
"Thanks, let's see what the agency think." He said quietly .
"Actually this one they've already agreed on and I've put some music to it, come with me see what you think."
Suga and Jimin walked out the room towards a studio.
"We will sort the rest out then go listen RM said spreading the songs out to get an opinion. Forty minutes later they crept into the recording studio. Suga put his hand up so they would be quiet and then instructed the boy in the booth.
"All the way through now Jimin...."
Sudden music boomed out Jimin singing along as if it was something that meant something to him. It was a strong emotional song and they were all amazed by it. Jimins eyes opened at the end and he looked through the booth window his eyes catching Jungkooks before he took the headphones off and walked out.
"That was amazing"
"Sure to be a hit"
"Wish I had your voice"
Jimin gave a faint smile," don't we have a meeting to go to?"
"Oh crap yer,"
RM hustled them together and they all went get in their cars.
Jungkook held Jimins arm," Jimin I want to apologise,"
Jimin shook his hand off," go tell someone who cares," he said sharply climbing into a car with Jin.
Jungkook was shaken where was cute fluffy Jimin?
Tae saw the look on his face," what now?"
"I tried to apologise ,"
"He said go tell someone who cares,"
"Woohooo, Jimins grown a backbone! Looks like you'll have to try harder!"
"Don't sound so happy about it!!"
"But it's amusing, the golden maknae brought to his knees by the little chick!"
"Sometimes I hate you!!!"
Tae laughed hysterically  and didn't stop til they got to the radio station where they would give an interview.

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