Hidden menace

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Jimin came round to a buzz of voices. Opening his eyes he saw policeman, what looked like a medic and the rest of the group, hadn't they left already?He must have made a noise as all heads turned to him.
"Jimin you ok?!" An anxious Hobi asked rushing over.
"Be careful he was in shock," a voice behind him said making him realise only then that Jungkook was holding him.
"Mr Park, have you any idea who might wish to harm you?"
"This parcel, it was set to throw out these blades as soon as you lifted the lid, your lucky only one caught you and the note do you recognise the writing?"
"He hasn't seen it," Jungkook murmured.
The policeman brought a piece of paper over.
So your back bitch, my army pals didn't do the job what a shame. Just how lucky can someone be?I'm going to finish you once and for all, you never should have been part of the group.the blade I'll use will be sharper.
Jimin was stunned," who is it? He whispered.
The medic came over to Jimin checking his vitals and dressing the cut on his collarbone.
"You were lucky, looking at all these blades I'm surprised only one hit you!"
Jimin stared at the medic then to the table where about ten blades sat.
"Thanks to Mr Jeon we have plenty of photographic evidence and we will take this all with us to be tested for fingerprints.I advise you not to let anyone in that you don't know and maybe stay somewhere else tonight or I can put people outside?"
"L-leave...my home?"
"Jimin let's go back to the dorm tonight it's secure and safe." Jungkook said.
"I'll come back too," RM said.
"No!! This is my home and I'm not letting some maniac drive me out!!" Jimin said angrily.
"I'll stay here on the sofa," Suga offered
"I'll take the other," Tae agreed.
"We can sort out sleeping after everyone has gone but our manager is sending security over too." RM informed the police.
Evidence was gathered up and soon the medic and the police were gone saying they would be in touch.
By now it was ver late.
Jimin stood up going to cupboards," Jin and Rm you can use the spare room, Jungkook and Hobi my room ,Suga and Tae here's blankets."
"Where are you sleeping?" Jungkook asked frowning..
"There's a couch in my office "
Suga looked at Jungkooks face he didn't seem pleased.
"I'll take the  office and you can stay in your bed,"
"With me!" Jungkook interjected before Hobi could say anything. Hobi nodded, everyone could see Jungkook was worried about Jimin.
"There's a bathroom off the laundry room if you three need it, but I'm not sure I have clothes to fit all of you."
"I've got clothes in my car, Rm can borrow some" Jin said.
"I have some sweats, Tae and Hobi" Jungkook said.
"Suga , shorts and T shirt?" Jimin said.
Eventually everyone was settling down for the night. Jungkook had slid into the bed with boxers on, he was waiting for Jimin to come out of the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later and he still wasn't out so Jungkook got up and knocked on the door but got no answer. Opening the door he looked in. Jimin was sat knees up jammed in between the sink and shower screen dressed only in boxers staring into space.
"Jimin?" He knelt down to Jimins level," Jimin come on time to sleep."
"I have to hide, they will get me like they always do," it was like Jimins mind was elsewhere.
"No Jimin your safe with me,"
"Kookie.....? I mustn't bother you, I have to keep away,"
Jungkook lifted the small male up," No Jimin that's all gone, I'm here with you ok?"
Jimins gaze became  more in touch," Kookie?"
"Yes Jimin,"
"Why are you carrying me?"
"Because your cute why not," the other said joking the other out of his trauma.
Both lay down in bed," I'm sorry you were all dragged into my mess."
"Whoever it is seems like they have a grudge about you maybe being in the group, the note said, you shouldn't be there and insinuates they knew you before the military they said they organised the bullying you got in there?"
Jimin sat up," your right! We should tell the police tomorrow."
"Yes ok but you need to sleep now,"
"I can't I feel .....restless..."
"Do you want to talk or what?"
"I don't know..., I need to do something to take my mind off it..., sorry ignore me just go to sleep."
Jimin flopped on his side, the next minute lips were on his neck and a solid body pushed against his back and butt.
"K-Kookie....." he moaned.
"What you doing...," he mewled as little shots of pleasure went through him."
"Taking your mind off it,"
He pulled Jimin round plundering his lips brushing his fingers over his nipples and gently kissing the covered wound..
Jimins senses took over relishing the pleasure going through him.
Jungkook palmed Jimins bulge through his boxers,
"Hmmm, so I turn you on like you do me, someone owes me a blowjob, wanna try?"
Jimin did he wanted to try and make Kookie feel good.
"Yes," he whispered.
Jungkook pulled off his constraining boxers letting his aroused member spring free. He lay back hands behind his head.
"I'm all yours,"
The room was lit by moonlight so Jimin knew the other wouldn't see his red face as he worked his way down Jungkooks body. He pecked his lips then nuzzled his neck, he liked Jungkooks neck, crawling further down the bed he licked the others nipples making them go hard, Jungkook let out a muffled groan. He kissed and licked his way down the hard abs then his small hand reached for the rigid member.
"Oh," he said feeling it's size before licking along the length.
"Fuck!" Jungkook gasped," don't stop!"
Jimin got braver placing the leaking end in his mouth licking the slit which made Jungkook buck his hips. Emboldened by the reaction Jimin took as much as he could down sucking and licking.
"F-fuck you sure this is your first time it's so fucking good!"
Jimin chuckled sending vibrations along the others length. Jungkooks hands suddenly came down to play with Jimins hair and as Jimin sucked he thrust.
"You don't know how much I want to fuck you right now but don't worry I won't take advantage of you."
Jimin frowned,his mouth sliding off, " I want you to take advantage of me,I want this so much Kookie."
Before he could say anymore he was rolled on his back.
"Jimin you have to be certain?"
"I am, fuck me Kookie....,"
Jungkook pulled down the others boxers feeling the others hard on break free. He hovered over the small boy grinding against him his dick sensitive from Jimin's ministrations.
Raising his fingers to Jimins mouth he said,
"You probably don't have lube so suck,"
Jimin did so thinking how erotic it felt, then jungkook removed his fingers and kissed Jimins mouth hitching one of Jimins legs up and pressing against his puckered hole.
Jimins breath hitched, this was really happening!
"Relax, I'm not gonna lie it will hurt your first time but if you relax enough pleasure will come ok?"
Jimin nodded"yes,"
Jungkooks slim finger penetrated Jimins virgin hole his mouth claiming Jimins gasp. He pumped his finger in all the time whispering in Jimins ear,
"Are you gonna take my dick in you, shall I push it in hard? You gonna moan for me?"
The dirty talk turned Jimin on, he knew his dick was leaking and he moaned. Jungkook put another finger in scissoring them inside.
"I'm gonna make you loose so I can fit inside and fuck you hard you want that?"
A third finger dove in, pumping inside Jimin who was panting, then Jungkook angled his fingers searching and finding the bundle of nerves inside.
Jimin groaned at the feeling as Jungkooks fingers hit their target every time . Jungkook captured the others pleasured whimpers in his mouth feeling Jimin tightening,
He pulled his fingers out making Jimin cry out,
"Noooo,I want,I want......"
Jungkook rubbed his leaking dick lining it up at Jimins eager hole. Pushing in he held the small boy who froze in pain.
"Breathe baby just breathe," he gently rocked allowing Jimin to get used to him then capturing Jimins mouth he pushed deeply in.
Jimins breath came out in a gasp at the fullness, as Jungkook kissed him not moving he relaxed into it.
Jungkook could feel the difference as Jimin relaxed and he pulled back then pushed in deep again, groaning himself at how good it felt.
"Your so fucking tight around me you feel so good,"
He started a rythm burying himself in the body underneath him, Jimin tried not to be loud as the pleasure built up,
Jungkook pushed Jimins legs back making the penetration feel different and hitting Jimins special place at every thrust.
Jimin felt his insides curl in pleasure, he never knew it would be like this, he needed a release, he was moaning into Jungkooks ear as he held onto the others string shoulders." Kookie.....I.......I think....I'm ," before he could finish his release burst from him, strips of white falling between their bodies as Jimin buried his mouth against Jungkooks neck.
"Oh god......he moaned out.
Jungkook had never felt this turned on, he gripped Jimins hips and started pounding into him before with a grunt he released inside Jimin," fuuuuuck aghhhh!"
Jimins hole clamped on his dick drawing every last drop from him. Finally he withdrew and flopped to the side letting his rushed heartbeat slow.
Minutes later he got up going to the bathroom and cleaning himself before coming back with a washcloth and towel.
"Let me clean you up," he wiped off Jimins stomach then gently cleaned up below much to Jimins embaressment, squirming he tried to take the cloth.
"No! Let me take care of you , jungkook went and rinsed the cloth bringing it back to finish before drying the other off.
Afterwards Jungkook climbed into the bed pulling Jimin to him so his head rested on his chest.
"Take some pain killers in the morning ok?"
No answer came and Jungkook realised the small boy was overwhelmed with tiredness and had fallen asleep. He smiled rubbing the others back which would probably be sore in the morning. Jungkook hadn't meant for things to get this far but in the end both had wanted it.
At least Jimin now slept his mind no longer on the hidden menace. Jungkook sat thinking about it before he too drifted off to sleep.

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