'Home is wherever I'm with you'

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I just wanna say I hope c!karlnapity gets a happy ending
:( I would like to say I suprisingly struggled to word sentences correctly, and it's weird because I'm usually good at wording things. anyways! The aftermath of the fight:)


"Fucking murderer.. who does he think he is..!" Quackity grumbled. Kicking stones along the way back to Las Nevadas. He had just had a fight with Karl, apparently he's a fucking murderer?? It was a team agreement! He sighed and looked up, it had just started raining


"QUACKITY! WAIT!" He looked back confused, seeing sapnap running after him.

Why is he chasing me? Shouldn't he be chasing Karl?

Sapnap grabbed quackitys wrist and pulled him into a hug.

"Please big Q- it's raining! You could get sick, we need to go inside right now." Sapnap pleaded. Holding onto quackity tight.

Sapnap wouldn't forgive himself for letting Quackity get sick after he already had a bad day. He already blames himself for not making it his job to hand out the invitations.

Quackity relaxed under his touch and wrapped his arms around him. He hadn't been hugged for awhile. "This means nothing by the way.." quackity mumbled into his chest.

Sapnap felt accomplished and chuckled. "If you say so ducky" Quackity nuzzled more into his chest, getting cold from the rain.

"Right okay.. ducky can I carry you?" The taller whispered as he moved hair out of his face and cupped his cheek. Quackity nodded and leaned into his touch, making Sapnap smile.

He always had been such a touch starved duckling

"Can you take me to Las Nevadas please..?" Quackity mumbled, leaning more into sapnap as exhaustion finally hit him. At this point, Sapnap's cheeks are hurting at how much he's smiling.

"Of course." He whispered gently and picked the duck hybrid up bridal style. Quackity panicked and quickly wrapped his hands around his neck.

"It's alright ducky, I'm not gonna drop you. I promise to the stars and back." He kissed his forehead gently and headed to Las Nevadas.

When they arrived, Quackity had already fallen fast asleep. Sapnap looked around, trying to find somewhere to be. He looked at the needle and sighed.

He changed quackitys position in his arms so it was easier to walk. He jogged over to the needle and his smile faded. There were pictures of him and his fiance scattered on the walls, crossed out.

I'm so sorry ducky

Sapnap doesn't know how much pain he's caused Quackity, and Sapnap himself knew that. That's why he's willing to do everything and anything for Quackity, to try and make up for everything. Make things go back to normal. Sapnap despises change.

He walks towards the elevator and presses the top button. He gripped more onto Quackity as he walked in. He always had a fear of elevators. The doors slide close and Sapnap leans against the wall, hiding his face in Quackity neck, freightened of what could happen

The elevator started to lift up from the ground and set for the top, like it does nearly every day.

The elevator dings and Sapnap is quick to step out, trying to control his breathing. He walks over to the couches and gently lays Quackity down.

Quackity is a light sleeper, he learnt how to control his sleep because of Schlatt. He did it so he knew when Schlatt was home or not.

That's why he woke up.

"Sapnap..?" Quackity rubbed his eyes, having just woke up. Quackity noticed the slight tremble in his hand and looked around.


"Sapnap come here.." The duck hybrid opened his arms, he felt guilty for the fact Sapnap had to use an elevator just for his comfort.

Sapnap whimpered and fell into his arms. Quackity began stroking his hair and twirling some loose strands. Sapnap's breathing soon synced with Quackitys.

Quackity smiled and cuddled him, nuzzling his head into his hair and closed his eyes. They both fell into deep slumber with smiles on their faces.

Home is wherever I'm with you<3

Omg I actually love the ending😭 favourite sapity oneshot right here✨

I hope you guys liked it though<3

I love you! I decided I should post before I go for 3 days:)

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