Chapter 12 (Joker and Harley)

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     We finally have a lead on Joker and Harley!
We got a tip that they were at a abandoned wear house in downtown Gotham.
Dad said to not jump ahead and to wait a while till we are sure we have enough backup.
Well what did I do let's just say I didn't listen. I got the location from the computer and took my bike towards the wear house. It's dangerous going in on my own but the faster I do this the faster I can see my mom again.
I hide my bike and swing to the top of the building. I look down the window below there he is the man that has me being hunted down and the woman that black mailed my mother. My mother once told me Harley was he closet friend and she betrayed her. I had to get my mothers revenge so I decided to use the element of surprise. I quickly jump through the ceiling and jump on to Harley I start beating her up. But then I realized she's not fighting back I look closer it's a mannequin I walk closer to the joker and he's a mannequin too. Oh shit ITS A TRAP!!
As I'm about to grapple out of there. I feel a large hit to my head causing me to stumble. Then it hits me again and again and so on. Till I'm on the floor coughing blood.
My vision is hazy I look up at the blind light to see Joker laughing and standing over me with a crowbar in hand. Right before I blacked out I hit the SOS signal on my belt.
I slowly got more tired till I was out cold.


Bruce POV

What the hell? I quickly run to the bat cave with the boys behind me then I noticed Mars wasn't with them.
I look at the bat computer to see a SOS signal from Mars! I look to where the location was at it was the lead from the Joker.
"Mars went looking for the Joker! She's in trouble!" I said looking at the boys with worried faces.
"That piece of shit clown!! I'm going to kill him if he touches a hair on her head!!" Jason yelled
We quickly put on our suits and rich over to our vehicles.
I hope she is ok I hope she's alive.
I'm not going to have a repeat of what happened to Jason.
We get to the warehouse to see it abandoned.
"Sparrow?!" Dick shouts. "Are you here?!"
"Father look?" Damian said pointing to something on the floor. We quickly run over to see Mars tracker on the ground along with her pair of twin sai and a flash drive.
"NightWing get my computer hurry!" I shouted x
I plugged in the flash drive to see a live video.
I see my poor daughter chained to the ceiling with the joker standing close by.
"Hello bats!"

Martha Pov

I groaned waking up with my body full of pain.
I look up to see I'm chained to the ceiling hanging by my wrists. I look to my side to see the Joker.
"Ahh the little birdie is up!" He laughed.
I lift my head to see a camera.
"Now today for my experiment class we are going to be testing sparrows bone durability! Oh nurse Harley!"
Harley walked in with bat and in a nurse outfit.
"Where do you get off role playing and beating a kid?!" I shouted.
"Quiet brat!" He yelled hitting me with a crowbar at the stomach. I groaned loudly. Shit. I'm going to die. Harley then stars to it my legs, arms, rib, and shoulders. I bit my lip every time. I tasted blood. My body was in so much pain and blood drenched my costume.
"That will be all Harley." He smiled
" of course puddin." She skipped away
"Now kid." He pulled my head up "anything you want to say to daddy bats?" He asked me. I spat blood on his face and smiled.
"Why you little!" He then started to beat me and laugh I screamed out in pain I didn't ever pretend to hide it anymore. My body was giving up on me I thought I was going to die.
"Now some fear toxin mixed with little joker venom! If this works I'll spread it through the entire city!!" He laughed as he stuck the needle into my neck.
I started to laugh uncontrollably it hurt so bad! Then I blacked out.

Bruce Pov

We were able to pinpoint the joker's location Damian was watching the video with a shaken expression. I noticed he started to cry a little.
He never did that I guess Mars made his heart soften a bit.
"Father we need to save her." He said looking up.
"We will." I turned to him.
I called someone I hadn't called in a long time but we needed help.
"Selina it's Mars. The joker has her."
"Not my baby! Where is his location?!" She shouted.
" just meet us at the cave we just got here. I promise you our daughter will be ok." I said hanging up.
We got out of the car. The building was abandoned but I swore I heard a scream. My heart shattered my daughter. My blood daughter is in pain.
"The plan is we split up and search the building for joker, Harley, Mars. If you find Mars take her to the bat cave immediately!" I stated. "Red Robin and Red Hood  you two stay together, NightWing and Robin stay together, I will go in solo."
The boys nodded and we went in.

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