Chapter One: A Summer Like No Other

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Tw: ⚠️a slight mention of blood⚠️

This was the summer. THE  summer.

You and Draco had so much fun.

Sleepovers every weekend, swimming trips in the huge lake behind your house and many trips to Diagon Alley to get your equipment for your 3rd year at Hogwarts.

You had a bond like no other.

No one understood you like Draco did. He was your best friend, your best friend forever.

But this year was different. Different from all the others.

This summer Draco was different.

It was a strange feeling. Subtle but strange.

The way his platinum blonde hair fell gently over his forehead, covering his beautiful grey eyes that you had always loved and admired.

Whenever you made eye contact you would always blush, as you had done since the age of 6.

But it wasn't just his eyes. When you went swimming in the lake all you could focus on was his torso.

The defined abs always caught your eye.

He caught you one time but just laughed it off. Even though you were completely mesmerised by him this summer, you weren't oblivious to his behaviour.

He was different. He teased you but not like before. It was almost like he was bullying you slightly. Of course, you two bantered all the time. But not like this.

He was more gentle with you. It was almost like he cared about you.

A lot.

Well, he did, of course, your mums were Bestfriends but he took extra care.

The day before the last day of summer:

One evening you both had an idea.

The greatest idea in a while. Draco suggested you both steal your dad's motorbike and go for a ride around the countryside where you lived.

Only your dad rode his motorbike so there was only one helmet. Draco insisted on you wearing it. You both argued over who was going to wear it, in the end, he grabbed it out of your hands, placed it on your head and flipped the visor down.

You giggled.

He took your hands in his and dragged you towards the motorbike and helped you get on.

"Hold onto my waist" Draco said.

You gently placed your hands around his waist.

He sighed, then grabbed your hands and connected them around his waist tighter as he was frightened you would fall off.

His rings dug into your hands. It hurt but you didn't mind, he was your best friend after all.

"Ouch" you hissed.

He got off the motorbike knelt down in front of you and examined your hands. "Shit. I'm so sorry y/n" he stammered as he traced his index finger gently along the back of your hand.

"Oo Draco Malfoy's gone soft. Never thought I'd see the day." You teased.

"Oh shut up y/n." He snapped.

He forced himself up off the ground and got back on the motorbike. He snatched your hands from behind him and placed them gently around his waist, taking caution, making sure he didn't hurt you again.

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