Chapter 12- /Andrew.

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He held look and slowly placed him on the floor as the mysterious man ran away.

Natasha had picked herself up and was limping towards the main door to Andrew's house.

"Natasha, wait. I'll go" he said as he blocked her way and sprinted back to his house.

There was no sign of the man with Hazel eyes in a black hoodie. He slowly shut the door of his house and held out a gun that he had on him.

There was no sign of an intruder. How fast could a middle-aged man with a wound run, anyway?
And above that, their house was at a great distance because of the wide field where Natasha's and Andrew's mom used to hang out to grow plants. Which was just a burnt field now, with no flowers, no grass. Just a dry wasteland.

Andrew knocked on the door that led to the basement and yelled out to Jackson.

"How much longer?" Andrew asked.

There was no answer.

"Hello? are you in there?" He asked again.

He was about to barge in when the door open and Jackson came out, his bright blue eyes gleaming.

"Daisy's stable." Jackson said.

Relief flooded through Andrew. "Can I see her?" He asked.

"Not quite yet. But we'll have to move her in a safer place." Jackson replied.

"Okay, you should go rest. Good night." Andrew said, pushing him out of the house.

He shut the door behind him as his face turned serious.

"Time to find who Dr. Cullen really is." He said to himself.

Andrew walked to the living room, where the couch which was burnt and parts of it were ashes. The walls, blackened and the metal attached to them had become rusty.

The dining table had been completely rusted as it was made by metal and because the paint must've worn off. The lighting above the table was hanging by one of its wire and the carpet was now, nothing but ashes and dust.

The stairs to the bedrooms was burnt as it was a rare wood type. The stairs are rare in the 3000s and had been replaced by escalators.

The metal doors to the storeroom and the closet had been locked due to overheat warning and the broken red light was still on.

It had been on high security alert since the blast and it would require the same genetic code to open the doors which were on high security alert that could only be opened by the same genetic code only when the commander dies.

Andrew sighed and put his palm on the sensor. The advanced sensors could detect the gene just by copying fingerprints.

[NOTIFICATION]: Fingerprint not recognized. Testing genetics.

The system was slower than usual. It could be because it hadn't been used in years and also due to overheating during the fire.

The sensor statically chimed.

[SYSTEM SPEAKER]: genetics match. Confirm commander's death.

The static annoyed Andrew but he pushed through, just this once. A virtual screen popped up, which glitched and did not appear completely.

He clicked on the commander details and a picture of his mom opened. The picture was unclear as the screen kept glitching.

CLOUD USER: #9878.

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