Part 1

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There will be some changes in this story. Some characters will stay and some won't. 
All characters and events are fictional. Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.

Enjoy reading my friend :)

Detroit. FireHouse 25.

Our shift at the fire department was quiet today. The car of squad 2 in which I am a lieutenant did not go to the calls. Only an ambulance and a fire truck. 

Mike: Last shift was more fun.

John: Yes, we had more calls last shift.

Ryan:Guys, we have half an hour before the end of the shift, let's sit in silence.

The young lieutenant sat in an armchair at the table and read a magazine.
But the alarm at the firehouse forced everyone in the unit to take their minds off their business.

Dispatcher:Truck 55, Ambulance 78, Squad 2, Battalion 31. Warehouse fire at...

Ryan: Well guys, you wanted to work. Let's work.

Chief Johnson: Alright, let's go 25. People needs our help. 


A small warehouse was located near the fire station. And the firemen arrived in a few minutes.

Citizen: Thank God you are here! It was me who called 911! There are still two workers left inside! 

Chief Johnson: Is there an emergency exit here?

Citizen: Yes, on the other side of the building.

Chief Johnson: Good. Carter enter through the back door, Dixon through the front door. We have no more than 5 minutes.

There was a lot of smoke and fire inside the warehouse. Firefighters moved carefully and quickly, because there was very little time. 

Ryan: Quick guys, we need to find the victims and leave the building!

Mike: Lieutenant, I think I see him! Over there!

The victim was under the rubble and did not move. Firefighters quickly got to him and quickly pulled him out. His pulse was weak, so the man needed to be urgently taken to the paramedics.

Chief Johnson: Carter, Dixon report.

Ryan: We found the victim! Back to the main entrance!

Dixon: The emergency exit is blocked, a piece of the roof has fallen! We are moving towards the main entrance! Harrison hurt his leg!

Ryan:Chief! Mike and John will carry the victim! Me and Simon will help Dixon.

Chief Johnson:Hurry up! You don't have much time! The fire is spreading fast!

Ryan:Got it, chief!

Ryan and Simon headed towards Dixon and other firefighters who were heading towards them with the victim.

Simon: Come on Lieutenant, Carter and I will take Garrison. And you take out the victim.

Chief Johnson: Carter report!

Ryan:We found them, chief! We are moving towards the exit!

Firefighters quickly reached the exit and handed Garrison and the victim to the paramedics.

Chief Johnson: Okay, let's put this fire out!

After rescuing the victims, Carter's phone rang and he answered the call.

Dr. Hairi:Carter, this is Dr. Hairi. Can you speak now?

Ryan:Yes, doctor. My shift just ended. Did something happen to mom? She is alright?

Dr. Hairi:You need to come to the hospital. Hurry up.


Detroit Central Hospital. 

Ryan arrived with ambulance 78 and quickly hurried to the front desk.
He was told that his mother had a seizure, which the doctors managed to control.

Ryan:Hi mom, how are you feeling?
Carter walked into the hospital room and sat next to his mother.

Lily:I'm fine son. How's your job? I see you just got off work?
Carter looked in the mirror and noticed a soot mark on his face.

Ryan:Yes, our shift just ended. Dr. Hairi called me and told me to come. She said you had a seizure.

Lily:No, it's all right.Really.
Each time she said everything was fine. No matter how hard it was for her. She showed no weakness and always smiled at him.

Lily:Ryan, listen. I want to tell you something. It's about your father.

Ryan:Mom, let's not talk about it. I don't care. I have you. And I don't need more.

Lily:Please don't interrupt me. I met him when I was young. He was very nice and kind.
Carter continued to listen to his mother's story. And he found out that his father also wanted to become a fire fighter.

Lily:We loved each other, but then I went to Detroit, and he never found out that he had a son. You are his son Ryan. 

Ryan didn't know what to say. The whole story made him think a lot.He sighed and looked at his mother.

Ryan:Everything is fine. It is not your fault. Right now, doctors need to take care of your health. This is the main thing.

Carter hugged his mother and sat with her for a while. As he was leaving the hospital, Chief Johnson called him and asked if everything was okay. Carter told him everything except the story about his father.

At home, Carter rested on the couch and thought about what his mother had told him.

I wonder who is he? What does he look like, is he really a firefighter?  Damn, I'm all thinking about it now.

Carter decided to do something and went to his mother's room. 

Maybe she keeps something about my father. Need to find some things or photos.

Poking around in personal things was not very nice, but Ryan's curiosity got the better of him.After several minutes of searching, Ryan found a small box under the bed. He sat down on the bed and opened it. Inside were photographs and one letter, which Carter decided to read after looking at the photographs. All of these photos showed his mother and a man who could be his father. On the last photo, he saw the inscription, which was written with a marker:
                     "Lily and Kelly forever. Goose Island Brew Pub"

So this is him. I really do look like him. Eyes and chin. 

Next, Ryan decided to open the letter and read it.
"Dear Kelly. My kind, affectionate and most beautiful person in the world. I'm so proud to have you. You always supported me in difficult times, gave advice or just spoke gentle words. I want to ask your forgiveness. I know that my act will seem strange to you. But I can't help it. Let our quarrels be forgotten forever. I know that you are my best, and you will definitely forgive me. Your Lily."

Ryan noticed that the box had a double bottom and opened it. There was a medallion with a small bird on a silver chain. Ryan exhaled slowly and put all the photos, the letter, and the pendant into the box. He got up from the bed and went to the window. It was cloudy outside. It was supposed to rain soon, but that didn't matter. Like the call that woke him up in the morning. The call that changed his life and made him change his plans.

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