Chapter 14

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"HollowKit, from this day forward, you'll be known as HollowPaw," LeopardStar states, then gazes at W/n, "W/n will be your mentor."

The P/c warrior touched noses with the dark brown tabby Tom and heard the names of each apprentice being called out.

"HollowPaw, TroutPaw, MossyPaw, RushPaw!"

When the cheering had cleared, W/n saw her mate and deputy padding towards her with a smug grin.

"Be thankful I convinced LeopardStar to give you an apprentice," HawkFrost meowed. W/n dipped her head respectfully, "of course I'm thankful, HawkFrost!"

HollowPaw stared at the two cats with wide eyes, "what will we be doing first?" He sounded so happy and his tail still stuck up like a kit.

W/n let her smile show, "first I will be showing you the territory, specifically the boarders..."

The brown tabby was already off to the entrance of camp, W/n nuzzled her mate before chasing after him.

"Slow down!" The She-cat called after the brown Tom, he looked back with his eyes still shining.

"Sorry, W/n!" HollowPaw mewed, "I'm excited!"

W/n chuckled lightly and padded through the territory, making sure to show the young Tom the ShadowClan boarder and the small rivers.

Once they began to reach the other part of RiverClan territory, W/n's ear flicked as the waterfall was heard.

"Woah! It's a long way down!" HollowPaw meowed loudly over the water rushing down, W/n quickly sped up.

"Be careful or you'll-" W/n's sentence was cut off by a panicked screech and HollowPaw's footing wavered on the edge.

The brown tabby Tom had fear in his green eyes as he clawed desperately at the cliff, W/n wasted no time in breaking into a run and coming to her apprentice's aid.

She grabbed him slightly by the scruff and lifted him up and back onto safe ground. "I thought I was going to loose you, never go off ahead again!"

"I'm sorry, W/n..." HollowPaw mumbled as he regained himself and stood firmly on the ground. The p/c she-cat sighed and calmed down.

"We never go close to the gorge, falling in could be a quick walk to StarClan..." W/n whispered firmly to her apprentice.

Her eyes looked up at the clouds, and her e/c eyes flashed with fear as they began to form into the shapes of their ancestors.

"Let me show you the WindClan boarder," she mewed quietly and quickly to HollowPaw, who nodded slowly.

They passed the barn and saw large animals with hooves, not knowing what they were or doing.

Eventually they came to the boarder, and the smell of fresh heather danced in the small breeze. "This is the WindClan boarder, we don't need to care about them crossing, since they don't eat Frogs like ShadowClan."

HollowPaw stuck his tongue out in disgust, "Frogs sound gross!"

"We eat them too you know, very rarely however when leaf-bare gets rough," W/n stated.

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